Chapter 5: I Get Axed

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It was Tuesday. College had been boring, but since I only worked Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the library, I headed home. I wanted to check on Monika, and make dinner. I opened the door, greeted by a welcoming light... and a horrid sharp pain to the back.

"GAH!" I shrieked in pain. What was causing that pain? I turned my head and looked at my reflection in the doorway. Then I figured out what had happened: SOME-body had just slammed my wood chopping axe into my back! I turned around to find Monika standing there, covering her mouth in horror and embarrassment. It didn't take me long to figure out she was the one responsible for my pain.

"Why did you... DO THAT?!" I loudly demanded her, trying my best not to cry and/or worse, start cursing up a storm. Monika looked at me very guiltily.

"I'm so sorry, Abe!" she cried. "I thought you were one of the men in black." Immediately, all of my anger and pain was discarded. I almost even forgot there was an axe lodged in my left back. (emphasis on almost) I looked at Monika, concerned.

"What men in black?" I asked her. She frowned.

"I noticed you were out of bathroom soap, so I walked to the store to buy some. But on my way back, there were two men, dressed in black, following me. As I reached your apartment, they made a move, and grabbed me. I stomped on one's foot, and poked the other in the eyes. While they were recovering, I managed to slip into your backyard, and grabbed your axe. They both ran away, so I locked myself in the house, keeping a hand on the axe, in case they came back. But I fell asleep, and woke up to the door opening, and the rest," she paused in embarrassment, then pointed at the axe. "Well, you know." I nodded.

"Well, first let's get this thing out of my back," I said. "And tonight, you sleep in my bed, and I'll stay on the couch." So that night, Monika slept upstairs in my Captain's bed, while I slept on the couch, a bandage on my back. And what happened next was one of the goriest and disturbing things to ever happen to me. (And as for the axe, it sat propped up next to the door. I guess you could say I put it on time-out. Don't worry, it gets redemption.)

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