Chapter 12: I Kill Myself

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"Sayori?!" Maverick and Natsuki gasped together in perfect harmony. I however, retained a steely calm expression.

"I should've known YOU'D be the reason Craig wanted to capture Monika," I growled at this new enemy. Sayori smiled and curtsied.

"Monika's first victim, at your service," she said. Then she turned to Craig. "We should probably get rid of these guys before they reveal our little plan, shouldn't we?" Craig nodded.

"Absolutely," he agreed. "A.B.E..."

"Hold on!" Maverick called. "We don't even know what your plan is! Could you at least tell us what it was, so you have a REASON to kill us?" Craig smirked.

"Alright," he decided.

"As you all know, I am an official roster for the mayor of Idaho. ("I didn't know that," Natsuki mumbled.) Unfortunately, although I graduated from high school at age fifteen, and had an impressive career in politics, I knew almost nobody would vote for me. So I came up with a solution. I bought out this warehouse, where animatronic endoskeleton was for restaurants are made. Then, I used a 3D printer to print false flesh for them, and used ink for their 'blood'. Of course, in order to do that, I had to know if that would actually work, so..."

"And that's how Sayori came about," I guessed. Sayori beamed.

"Correct," Craig nodded. "After I knew it worked, she and I aspired to work together, and then we started making our synths, which we programmed to defend and vote for me. That was originally our main master plan, but then we discovered that Monika was now among the living." He indicated Monika, who smiled awkwardly.

"Yep, I'm a real girl now," she said, looking uncomfortable. Sayori glared at her.

"Knowing that Monika, my murderer, and your murderer," she pointed to Natsuki, "was just waltzing about, enjoying life with no consequences? No way! I convinced Craig that we needed to capture her, so I could punish her by doing all the stuff she's done to me and my friends, to her." She looked at us, as if we were mild annoyances. "Unfortunately for you, since you've allied yourself with Monika, that means you're gonna have to go, too."

"Exactly," Craig smiled. "Now, A.B.E., terminate them."

"It will be as you say," A.B.E. stated. He pulled the gun away from Monika's chest, and pointed it at Mav. I held up my hands.

"Wait a minute!" I shouted. "I want a final request." Craig and Sayori both looked at me, amused.

"And, just what might that be?" Craig snickered.

"I want to make a deal," I stated. I pointed at A.B.E. "Me vs. him, one-on-one. If I win, you let Monika go. If he wins, you get your way." A.B.E. stared at me, his red eyes looking at me with... pity? Or perhaps sadness?

"That is the most unwise choice you can make," he said. "A solo fight, me vs. you, has the maximum chance of you winning calculated at 0.01063 percent."

"Never tell me the odds!" I shouted. Craig let out a long, loud laugh.

"Witty until the end," he sighed. "Very well, I will grant your final wish. A.B.E., teach him another lesson about why you're the superior out of the two Abes I know."

"Understood," A.B.E. addressed Craig. He handed the gun to Craig, who pocketed the weapon. Then he let go of Monika, and leaped down from the balcony, practically cracking the concrete as he landed. "Shall we begin?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I said. Then I charged forward, and kicked A.B.E. with all my might. He didn't even stagger backwards. I did, however, but quickly rolled back up to my feet. I jumped in the air, and did a double-legged kick. I just bounced off his chest, and landed on my back. I shakily got my back as A.B.E. approached me. Not even thinking, I tried punching him again, but instead of taking it to the head, he just caught it in hand, then grabbed me by the throat.

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