Chapter 11: We Stage A Rescue* (*Special Thanks to Natsuki)

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"We have to save her," I said for the fifth time that night. "Monika shouldn't have to suffer because Craig's partner wants her." Maverick and I were gathered in my house, standing around my kitchen table. We had gone out and gathered any weapons we could find. I had a pistol that my dad gave me for my 18th birthday, and Mav had one other gun, a sawn-off shotgun. So between the two of us we had two guns to use against Craig, his mysterious partner, A.B.E., AND however many synths Craig had with him.

"Two of us vs the Abe-inator and an army?" Mav wondered. "That's not going to work."

"Stop calling evil me the Abe-inator, Ronnie!" I growled.

"Don't call me Ronny!" Mav spluttered.

"However, I agree with you. We need a third person." I tried to think of someone we could call to help, but I had nothing. Nathan was in the hospital, and Mikey had flat out ditched us. Greta wouldn't go if anybody else didn't, and Zoe and Eric were still in Alaska. So it was just Mav and I, unless... I had an idea. It was a bad one, but you probably already knew all my ideas are bad.

"What if we 3D printed a helper?" I asked Mav. His reaction was about what I would expect from him, an intelligent, no nonsense human being.

"Brilliant!" he exclaimed. "Now who to print?" We thought about it for a couple minutes. Mav suggested something from Attack on Titans, but we decided that would be too impractical, and besides, he'd probably be fragile. I wondered if I was ever going to save Monika or avenge Nathan...Nathan...Nat...

"How about Natsuki?" I suggested. Maverick looked at me.

"I don't know," he said. "We've never seen her fight before in the game. She may not be all that helpful."

"Maybe not," I said, "but she's one of Monika's friends. She'd be the most willing to help her out of anyone else we print."


"Absolutely NOT!" Natsuki shouted at me. Mav and I had gone downstairs, where we put Natsuki's file into the 3D printer, although Mav still thought we should've done Kirito from Sword Art Online. We printed her out, and after helping her get over the fact she was alive and a real girl, thankfully, had explained our predicament. "I will NOT be helping Monika in any way, shape, or form!" Natsuki ranted. "She killed me in the game!"

"Oh, great," I groaned. I hadn't counted on the fact that 3D printing her from her file would cause her to gain all her memories from the game, regardless of whether she was dead or not. I even had to delete and reinstall the game to give life to Natsuki, and now she was refusing to help because Monika killed her. Which, I guess, now that I think about, is understandable.

"And another thing!" Natsuki growled. "If Monika was really living with you, then why are you so worried about her, of all people???"

"Well, maybe it has something to do with the fact that he lov-" Mav started.

"I don't care!" Natsuki stated.

"Okay!" Mav held up his hands and stepped back. Natsuki turned his attention back towards me.

"Seriously, though! HOW CAN YOU LOVE HER?!" I actually had an answer for that.

"Well, you see, I, um, er... uhhhhhhh..." I just did that to keep her attention, and totally NOT because I was intimidated by her. "Because she's a different person," I started. Natsuki raised an eyebrow, and put her hands on her hips.

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