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Two weeks later...

I awoke to the smell of toast and hash browns. I turned to my right. Monika was sleeping peacefully, so I knew it must be Buddy. Ever since he moved in, we had decided to let him have the couch to lay on while he recharged himself during the night. I couldn't afford another bed, and didn't have an air mattress or sleeping bag or anything like that, so Monika just shared my bed. (And for my mom, if she's reading this, and getting ready to scold her twenty-one-year-old son, NOTHING HAPPENED. I put an extra blanket between us, just as an extra precaution.) I nudged my girlfriend awake.

"Sweetie," I said to her, "it's time to get up. Today's home group day, remember?" She smiled at me.

"Oh, Abe-y," she sighed. "My biggest wish has finally come true: I'm living with the love of my life, together. And with the new addition of Buddy, it's like we're one big happy family." I looked over at my alarm clock. It was 8:15. The guests would be here around 5:00. I quickly kissed Monika on the cheek, then grabbed some clothes and dashed into the bathroom to take my shower. I got dressed, and went downstairs as Monika went in to take care of her own personal hygiene. I saw Buddy setting the table. He looked up and smiled as he saw me. After two days of him walking around as just an exoskeleton, I had 3D printed him another set of skin, that made him look more like a blonde-haired laid back twenty-year-old. He also changed his voice to a British accent, so we wouldn't confuse Monika with our voices sounding the same. I even printed out a tuxedo, which he wore all the time, somehow managing to never dirty it.

"Ah, good morning, Master Abe," he called. "I've taken the liberty of making you breakfast. Will Mrs. Monika be joining you?" I nodded. Since Monika had no last name, Buddy just called her "Mrs. Monika," which she finds extremely cute.

"Hey, Buddy, did you hear any reports about the Craig and Sayori trial?" The robot nodded.

"Oh yes, sir. It's still ongoing, but the judge says that since the worst that happened was a moderate injury, what with the pistol never being used and all, he's leaning towards a moderate block in jail, and a set amount of time towards community service. My misguided former bosses will be fine." I liked how Buddy was keeping such an upbeat attitude about this, but something was tugging at my gut. Buddy said he was a machine that was redesigned for warfare. That begs the question: Who built him? Were there more A.B.E.s out there? Where did Buddy come from? I guess I'd never know. I sat down at the table, and began to eat.

After a couple moments, Monika came downstairs as well. She smiled sweetly at a Buddy, who handed her a plate of hash browns and toast. While she ate, there was a knock on the door. Since I was already finished, I answered it. It was Natsuki, who was pushing Nathan's wheelchair for him. I smiled. Maverick had been able to convince her to visit him in the end, after all.

"Hey, guys," I shook Nathan's hand. "What's up?"

"We were just on our way to the park," Natsuki explained. "So we thought we'd drop in and say hi." Monika and Buddy came to the door.

"Hey, Buddy," Nathan said. "How's it going?"

"Very well, thank you," he stated. Then he looked at Nathan. "Um, look, I'm really sorry about-"

"Let it go," Natsuki told him. "There's no grudges being held. Right, Nathan?"

"Certainly not," he told him. Then he looked at us. "Hey, how would you like to join us?"

"Oh, we'd love to," Monika smiled. "Doesn't that sound nice, Abe-y?" I nodded. Buddy nudged us out the door.

"Go on," he ushered us. "I'll get the house cleaned up for home group. Thankfully, it's Eric's turn to bring food, so I don't have to worry about cooking any last minute meal."

"You work too hard, Buddy," I told him.

"Just earning my keep, Sir," he smiled. Then he shut the door and went to resume his daily duties. Before it closed, I could've sworn he muttered, "That Mikey fellow... not very reliable, that one." I turned to Natsuki and Nathan. Monika wrapped her arm around mine.

"Shall we?" she asked.

"At once," I responded. Together, we walked as a group towards the park. I couldn't help but smile. Just a little over a month ago, I had accidentally given life to a self-aware antagonist from a psychological horror game, and now, my life had changed for the better.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading my DDLC story as much as I did writing it. And if you're looking for more DDLC stories to satisfy your appetite, be sure to check out my sequel project, Doki Doki: My Life With Monika Part 2, which will also get a soundtrack of its own someday. Until then, this is Farmer Abe. Thanks for reading my works!

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