|Shot 88| • Hold On • |Stenbrough|

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"Stan, puh-please it didn'-"

"No, don't. Just don't" Stan sobbed as he slipped from my grasp.

"Stan, puh-please, I'm suh-sorry! I love you!" I shouted to him, but he was gone.

I sank to my knees, burying my face in my hands. I was disgusted with myself. My world came crashing down around me.

"What the fuck have I done?" I sobbed into my hands.

I never meant for it to happen, but it did. And now Stan ran away from me. He will never forgive me.

~ 3 hours earlier ~

It was Friday night after school, and the Losers Club and I all decided to hangout at my house. After a few games, some talks, and downing bags of snacks, we decided to play truth or dare.

I sat down next to Stan and wrapped my arm around him. I gave him a warm smile and got one in return. He's so cute. His nose crinkled and he squinted his eyes as he gave me a warm little dimples grin.

Richie and Eddie joined us then, fingers intertwined. Stan and I just looked at each other and groaned. They were the epitome of a cute couple.

Beverly, Ben, and Mike soon followed. Ben and Beverly started squealing as they glanced back and forth from Stan and I to Richie and Eddie.

"So cuuuute!" they giggled.

Stan and I just groaned again as and Richie and Eddie blushed, Eddie burying his face in Richie's shoulder.

"Ahem" I cleared my throat. "S-So...who w-wants to go first?"

We all exchanged awkward glances and gave each other looks like you wanna go?

I sighed and Stan rubbed my arm.

"I'll g-go first, I g-guess" I said, and brought my finger to my lip, mulling over what to say.

My eyes brightened and I spoke up.

"Okay! Umm, Buh-Ben, truth or d-dare?"


"W-When was the last t-time you sang N-New Kids On The B-Block in the sh-shower?"


Ben's cheeks were on fire as everyone roared with laughter.

"Sorry, B-Ben" I laughed. "Juh-Just teasing you, b-buddy"

Ben shook his head and chuckled.

"Okay, my turn" he said, rubbing his hands together.

"Hmm...Eddie" he pointed.

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