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I am your son
But yet still
I'm your whipping post
No matter what I do
You take this divorce out on me
You talk shit about me
The family hates me
Because what you say about me
Is it enough kicking me out on the street?
Is it enough bashing me until I want to bleed?
Is it enough taking all my coping skills
Then call me a psycho?
What do you want from me?
You hold me hostage in this house
When I leave or get kicked out
You call the cops and I get chewed out
You throw me into mental hospitals
I'm 17
And you treat me like I'm 3
But emotionally abusive you still are
I'm lucky to eat
I'm lucky not to cry myself to sleep
Would putting a gun to my head
Make u proud of me again?
Would pulling the trigger
Making the metal insert the skull
Blood splatter into the walls
Would that make you proud of me?
You don't care
You tell me you hate me
I'm the reason for the divorce apparently
What I'll say is fuck you
I've tried for a year
But you've pushed me away now
So I'll never be around again
You succeeded
Good job
So now I'll go
And be a disgrace somewhere else

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