Chapter 22

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I woke up in my bed with a blanket on top of me. The room was so dark and my balcony door is open. And I saw someone standing outside. He has brown hair that was visible cause of the moonlight.

I stared up on the ceiling as I tried to recall what happened earlier. But all I can remember is Jisoo and Hoseok's argument. Nothing more.

I sat upright and heard my tummy cry. I became hungry. So I tried to stand up. I walked to the balcony door and saw...Jungkook.

So I stepped closer to him and flinched when he caught me.

"You're  finally awake,how's your head?"he asked and ruffled my hair.

"It's ok I guess"I said.

He sighed. "That's good to hear. Wanna eat?"he said and I nodded.

We went downstairs. While walking to the dining hall,I asked. "Uhhh,Jungkook,what happened earlier?"

He just remained silent. He just ignored me. What's wrong with this guy?

After I woke up,I already forgot everything. I sighed. I need to talk to Jisoo.

'I'm sorry Y/n. I don't want to disappoint Hobi hyung as well as you. And knowing that you have powers,will be dangerous. They might look for you.'thought Jungkook.

Before Y/n fainted...Jungkook's POV

I was outside in the garden with my hyungs while Hoseok hyung was talking to Y/n. Amd Jisoo. Since we all sensed her presence.

I kept on staring at Y/n's hand on the window. After minutes,I heard shouting and cursing. That made me and my hyungs look up.

We all gasped as we saw the window freezing. Then we heard Y/n shout and the window shattered into pieces when Y/n pushed it with her power.

"This is bad"said Yoongi.

So we all teleported to her room and we also saw Jisoo teleport. Y/n was so shocked while we all just stood there,having a hard time processing everything.

It's because I told Hobi hyung that she got detention. But I don't regret it since it's her fault.

She sat on her bed while staring at her hands that are freezing. She smiled and played with her power. Making tiny snowflakes.

But then Hoseok hyung went to her and used his power. He made gold dusts around her and touched her forehead.

"Forget what you have seen"

He said and with that she fainted. But her power is still there but no longer in control.

"She is one of a kind hyung. She has all of our powers"said Taehyung.

We nodded in agreement.

"Jungkook,when she wakes up,make sure not to tell her anything and bring her down for dinner,arasseo?"said Hoseok hyung.

I nodded and they all left. Even though her power is ice and the power she inherited from her parents and Hobi hyung,she can still absorb powers when she was cursed.

And all of the powers of the seven kingdoms was a bit absorbed by the witch and she transfered it to her body.

But since her father killed the witch,she made every power permanent. That is why Y/n is the strongest princess alive.

I laid her on her bed and put a blanket on top of her. I obsereved her hands. They were shaking but her power suddenly faded. And she went back to normal.

I can't stop myself from staring at her so I just kissed her hand and that made a little bit of healing. So that when she wakes up,her head won't hurt.

The power she got from Jin  hyung is the charms. She can make others fall for her trap.

Second. The power she got from Yoongi hyung is the barrier wall. She can make walls made of anything around her  to protect her.

Third. The power she got from Hobi hyung is power regeneration  and
mind focus.

Fourth. The power she got from Namjoon hyung is intelligience. She can memorize lots of things and  she can copy everything.

Fifth. The power she got from Jimin hyung is the strength. She doesn't get hurt no matter how many times she punches anything.

Sixth. The power she got from Taehyung hyung is mind control and she can read anybody's minds.

And the power she got from me is healing. But since the only power she can control for now is ice,she still can't use the other powers. Unless we train her yet impossible.

Y/n's POV

We were eating peacefully with the other guys. I still can't forget about what happened earlier. Why didn't he answer me?

I started observing from afar. They are all wearing their necklaces and they're all glowing. Do they really have powers?

To be continued...😉

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