e l e v e n

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As Liz took in our plates to clean, Scott called me from the table. After composing myself, I left Luke's side and joined Scott in what looked like a den. He motioned for me to sit.

"Sorry for how rude Ben and Jack can be. They just care about their little brother." He began, as he lit a pipe. Smoke lifted in rings and I nodded, waving it off.

"It's fine."

"Good. That brings me to my next subject. You probably know that Luke is... fragile to say the least."

I nodded again.

He leaned back in his chair, rings going up one by one. "And it's blatantly obvious that he has some sort of affection towards you. But you are a bit older, and hopefully more mature."

"I don't understand where you're going with this, sir."

"What I'm saying is," His teeth were pearly white as he smiled, his eyes a bright shing blue, "That if you hurt my son, and he does anything drastic, I will find you, Michael. The outcome won't be pretty."

I swallowed a forming lump in my throat and nodded for what seemed like the hundreth time. He clapped his hands together, his pipe in between his teeth as he stood and left the room.

Fragile isn't really the word to describe Luke.

Time bomb is more accurate.

You're getting too involved.

He needs someone to love.

Luke or Michael?

It could go both ways really.

He's a killer. A cold blooded, destructive, brutal killer. Love isn't in his genes.

It's not all about the genes.

"Ready to go, Michael?" Luke poked his head in the entrance. I nodded, trying to rid myself of the two other people in my head.

"Yeah. You're mum said you could stay the night at my place?"

"Yep. She seemed to like you. She said you have a 'good energy'. How ironic." He gave me a teasing smile before backing out of the den. I ducked out of the den, ready to head home with Luke.


"When?" Luke asked, kicking a rock from the path. I stared straightforward, knowing exactly what he meant.

"I'd prefer never." I answered.

"But it's not about what you prefer. You said you would."

"Why would you want to see something like that? What's so fascinating about taking someone's life? About keeping your identity hidden?"

"Kind of a personal question, don't you think? I've only known you for a few days." He nudged my arm, his right dimple exposed.

I scoffed. "Day one: you wanted me to kill you. Day two: you wanted sex. Day three: I met your parents. I'd say we're past the whole stranger business, wouldn't you?"

He shrugged. "You still haven't answered my question."

"You haven't answered mine."

"If I answer yours, will you do it? Tonight?" He pleaded.


"Fine. You want to know why I want to see you kill?"

"Desperately." I mocked.

He rolled his eyes, but continued. "There's more than one reason actually. But all the other reasons are minor factors. I want to see because I want you to kill me. Not tonight, but soon."

I shook my head, stopping in my tracks. I faced the considerably shorter male. His look was steely. "I refuse to kill you, Luke, I thought we'd discussed that the first day."

"On the second day you said you would do anything to make me happy. That will make me happy."

"It'll ruin me." I fired back.

"I can live with that." He decided, his mouth twitching up in a smirk.

"You'd be dead." I pointed out.

"Ah, I guess I would be. But that doesn't change what I want."

"You sound like a child not getting his toy."

"Death is a toy to you?" The streetlamps placed in intervals around the path enhanced the electric blue in his eyes.

"Well I am a murderer."

"I seemed to have forgotten that." He smacked his forehead. "Slipped the mind."

"I'm not going to kill you. I couldn't live with that." I said in all seriousness.

Luke licked his lips before sighing. "I'm insignificant in your life, Michael. I'm a small detail. A minute detail. After you've done it, you'll forget the next week. Maybe even the next day. I'm a minor character in your story. I refuse to become your main character."

"I want you to be my main character. I want to finish my story with you."

"Poetic." He answered.

I placed my hands on his hips, drawing him closer. "I try."

"I'm not your main character. I'm the beginning of a chapter in your life. But you are my main character. You will end my story." His eyes twinkled with something that looked like happiness.

"I don't think so, Lucas."

"I told you my reason, Michael. Now pay up."

"Are you sure you want to see this? This isn't some R rated movie that you sneak into with your friends. This is real. There's no cut to a scene like this."

"I've never snuck into an R rated movie with my friends. Start the scene."


killing is next chapter bc its 3:30 am and im tired

Hope you like it




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