s e v e n t e e n

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god I love smut



I peeled my eyes open from my mid morning nap due to the fact that my source of heat (and comfort) was gone.

Also the fact that my ass felt as if it was torn apart.

It kind of was, but we'll just leave that alone.

I threw the covers off me in a fit, the cold air chilling my naked body. But that was the least of my worries, because I worried that Michael was gone.

It's a little insane how infatuated you can become with someone in an amount of time. But I wouldn't describe this so much as an infatuation- more like an adoration. Or an obsession. Am I obsessed? You really couldn't blame me if I was. Michael is something different. Something special. He's simple, yet so complicated and has me over thinking every little detail in the short time span that I've known him. He's a contradiction of himself and it's nice to know someone who acts the same.

"Ashton is picking your friend up from school." I let out a small exhale, thankful that I didn't have to get up (or that he was still here), so I pulled the covers up enough to cover my waist, wincing slightly. I wanted to wipe the smirk off of his face.

"It's not funny." I pouted.

"I know, baby, I know." His expression changed into a look of guilt, as if he'd hurt a person he loved. His bare feet slapped against the floor as he traveled towards me, his shirt discarded on the floor. I licked my lips when he crawled on the bed, straddling me; the only thing between our bodies' were a blanket and his underwear. He kissed right below my bellybutton; feather light kisses trailed up my scarred stomach. He whispered things that I would never repeat- not even in my head- because no voice (or memory) could ever do the justice to his words like he just did. It makes my stomach churn to think about how fucking lucky I am to have him with me right now.

He reached my collar bone before he started getting rougher, sucking the pale skin, leaving purple blemishes that I'm sure I would never hear the end of from my brothers. I arched my back when he nibbled the purpling skin; blowing cool air on it. He gave me a crooked grin; his green eyes shimmering as they met mine before he returned to my neck to mark new territory.

"I'm really sorry. I could make you feel better.. if you want." He whispered, his breath hot against my ear.

"The only thing," I managed to choke out as he assaulted my neck with his lips, "That would make me feel better is if I top you next time."

I couldn't feel his lips on my neck anymore; his face now centimeters from mine. So close we were sharing the same air. So close that I could touch his pretty face and feel the light stubble that coated his cheeks or touch the long eyelashes that framed his gorgeous eyes- "Oh, honey, I don't do bottom."

"But why not?"

"You have such a pretty bottom, baby. I like being the one who fucks it."

I bit my lip to stop my grin but I couldn't stop the blush that heated my cheeks. He kissed my nose.

"But I will help you feel better. Maybe take your mind off of the pain?" His eyes danced with something that looked like mischief, his words laced with utter sincerity, but what really got to me was his hands. They were ever so slowly inching closer to my crotch and my breath hitched in my throat. I whimpered when he touched me, the cover still doing its job of covering.

He raised an eyebrow, his hand tugging slightly on the cover, asking, begging, for the chance to take it off. I gulped and nodded, watching as he pulled the blanket down teasingly, revealing my hard on.

I watched as he repositioned himself; sliding backwards slightly and leaning forward. His tongue gingerly touched the base of my dick, before licking a full stripe up the shaft. He took me in his mouth, gagging a little, but recovering quickly as he started bobbing his head up and down.

"F-fuck, Michael." I moaned, my hands finding his green hair. He hummed in response, the vibration around my dick causing me to scream.

He hollowed his cheeks, looking up at me through his eyelashes. I made a face (that probably exposed a double chin) and gripped the sheets.

His pace got quicker and with the swirl of his tongue around my tip, I came undone, releasing in his mouth. He swallowed before taking me out of his mouth and crawling next to me, concealing us in the big red blanket. His lips touched my cheek before he started to roar in laughter.

"Didn't take you for a screamer, Lucas."

"Shut the fuck up." I elbowed his rib lightly, before cuddling into his side, like a koala clings to a tree.

"Or an early bird." He whispered, a grin still plastered on his pretty features.

I leaned up on my elbow, staring him in the eye. "Don't be a little bitch."

He grabbed the back of my neck, pulling our lips together (without protest). He pulled my thigh, shrugging me over his hips in a straddling position. Our lips molded together and soon he dragged his tongue across my bottom lip. I'd never had my tongue in someone else's mouth, and I'm not sure I would like it in anyone other than Michael's. Just like that we were a hot mess of lips, tongues, and whimpers. I pulled away first, gazing at the gorgeous creature under me with the swollen lips and messy hair. He smiled crookedly. "This the longest I've ever gone without getting upset with someone."

"That's good. Why's that?" I asked, trying to regain my breath.

"I think it's you. You're better than any medicine a doctor ever gave me."

Should I tell him? I should tell him. He just told me that; I should tell him? "I'm three days clean."

Sadness flashed through his eyes, but then hope brought the green vibrant and beautiful. "That's good. Why's that?"

"I know it's you."

Evidently, we didn't hear the front door open or two guys walk in.

"Holy shit, Luke, you're naked and on top of a guy." I probably looked like a deer in the headlights as my head turned ever so slowly, only to see a wide eyed Calum. A second later, Ashton was at his side, smiling, shaking his head.

"See, Calum, this could be us, but you playin'." I still hadn't moved and Michael had to be the one to throw an extra blanket over my shoulders, sheltering us.

"Am I going to have to tackle you? Because I will." Calum threatened.

"Depends. Would you be clothed?" I could almost hear the smirk on Ashton's face from under the blanket. I could hear the sound of Calum's hand hitting Ashton's head and Ashton's grunt.

"Fucker." Ashton grumbled.


"I wouldn't mind wat-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Michael shouted, uncovering his head to show Ashton he was serious. I heard footsteps trampling out of the room and the close of a door. Michael joined me back under the blanket.

"Where were we?"


that was my first time writing smut holy shit it was horrid


updates at 2 am with cat on tummy and the 1975 playing yas

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