t w e n t y

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I left Luke in the kitchen and set foot in the sea of bodies that spanned the living room. Brushing off many attempts at gropes and grabs, the chilled September air whipped against my face when I reached outside. There were less people out here, but that didn't mean they weren't just as gross.

"Stupid heterosexual couples." I mumbled audibly to a specific pair with tongues down each others' throats.

They must not have heard me, so I continued walking the length of the patio to the coolers.

I grabbed two (in hopes to get Luke to drink) cheap beers from the ice. Fall Out Boy was still blasting when I passed the couple again to go inside.

I pressed through the drunken crowd, quite surprised at the amount of people in the room could actually fit in Jack's house. When I reached the kitchen, I suddenly remembered the scene from Spongebob Squarepants where Spongebob and Patrick had to go through the perfume department.

Then I was hit with the overwhelming urge to pee.

I sat the beers down on the counter when I realized Luke wasn't around. Hopefully he was loosening up a bit - talking to people and such - but knowing him he was probably hidden away somewhere.

I looked to my left and saw a stretch hallway that was bound to have a bathroom in it.

I walked through the perfume department again (or at least it felt that way) stumbling when I reached the first door on my right. I heard quiet sobs through the door.

"Shut the fuck up!" Someone hissed in a forceful tone, followed by a whimper.

I turned the knob a few times, trying to listen more about what was going on inside, but saw that it was locked. Then I heard him.

"Please," He sobbed, "Don't do this. I just want Michael."

I slammed my shoulder into the door, determined to kill whoever was hurting my Luke.

I grunted in satisfaction as my door broke open, revealing something that I will never unsee.

My baby was sobbing, pleading, begging, on his knees. He was just in his underwear. The scene made me sick to my stomach, but what made it all worse, was the guy standing above him.

Jet black hair thrown in every direction and unforgiving brown eyes. He was toned, but skinny. I could snap his neck in an instant.

Then everything went red.


Blood; down his back, dripping from his nose, stained in the carpet. Jagged shards of mirror had blood droplets. Blood everywhere.

Vision; everything red as a goddamn rose.

Lips; Luke's lips red and swelled from biting them so hard.

Police lights; whiney and high pitched; never really liked them much. Never expected to be in the back of a police car.

Hair; the officer's hair was a fiery red.

Cheeks; his cheeks were red and tear stained. He doesn't want to see me go.


so if you don't get what's happening basically Michael killed the guy and got arrested

it'll explain more in the next few chapters

the story is not over yet children

I still get all tingly when people tell me I'm a good author or something idk it makes my day a whole lot better

I also love when people write random shit on my message wall idk omfg

^you should go write random shit on my message wall

luh you kittens



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