|Shot 89| • Twinkling Lights • |Jyatt|

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Jaeden and I, along with Finn, Jack, and Sophia, decided to hangout together at the town festival. I didn't care much for the rides or sweets, but Jaeden was ecstatic to be out having fun, and I wasn't going to miss an opportunity to be with friends...especially Jaeden. We've been dating for two weeks, but we haven't kissed yet. I wanted tonight to be perfect, for Jaeden's sake.

It was nighttime, but none of us cared. We didn't want to go home. I watched as Sophia tried talking to Finn and Jack, but they were too lost in each other's eyes as they walked hand in hand.

"I'm surprised they have their clothes on" I whispered to Jaeden, who was walking closely by my side.

"Wyatt!" he giggled. "But I know, right?"

He nudged my ribs playfully and I chuckled. I looked deeply into his beautiful emerald eyes, twinkling in the festival lights.

"Hey, Jaeden I-" but I was cut off by Sophia squealing.

"Guys, let's go on the Ferris wheel!" she shrieked, pointing at the tall ride.

"Yeah, that sounds fun!" Jack and Jaeden said, Jack tugging Finn's hand while Jaeden grasped mine.

He looked at me with pleading eyes and pouty lips, a smile slowly dancing there. I couldn't resist. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth.

"Why not?" I said softly, looking at the beautiful, shorter boy and smirking.

His gorgeous face immediately lit up with joy, making me grin like an idiot. The five of us strolled over to the Ferris wheel and gave the vendor our tickets, Finn and Jack's hands still intertwined and Jaeden's still grasping mine. Sophia was a year older and acted like the mom of our little group.

"Aww, the four of you are so cute!" she cooed.

Finn and I groaned while Jack and Jaeden just giggled.

Finn and Jack got into a car by themselves while Jaeden and I got into another.

"Wanna come with us?" Jaeden asked Sophia.

"Nah, on second thought, I had too much cotton candy, you guys go ahead" she replied with a smirk.

I saw the sly smile in her eyes as she slowly darted her eyes to me. She winked, and I gulped. Somehow, she knew of my intentions that night. She just laughed to herself and walked off.

"C'mon, Wy!" Jaeden said excitedly, pulling me back to reality.

I climbed into the car and sat next to Jaeden. The ride started and we were hoisted up high. It was chilly tonight, especially in the air. Jaeden began to shiver.

"You cold, Jae?" I asked softly.


I gave him a look.

"Yeah, a little" he admitted.

I felt a chuckle bubble in my throat.

"C'mere, Jae" I smiled, pulling him close.

He snuggled close to me and rested his head on my shoulder. I rested my head on his and let out a satisfied breath.

"It's so beautiful out, Wyatt" he said quietly, looking up at the lights and the sky.

I wasn't paying attention to the sky though, instead my eyes were fixated on Jaeden, the way his eyes sparkled and the cute little smile curling at the edges on his lips.

I bit my lip.

I glanced over at the car that held Finn and Jack and watched as Finn grabbed Jack's shirt and pulled him in, the two of them engulfed in a kiss and smiling and laughing like little kids. I envied how confident and fearless they were, uncaring of what others thought.

"Jae" I breathed out softly.

He turned towards me and I melted at the sight. His gorgeous eyes and handsome face were illuminated by the festival lights as he directed his eyes to meet mine.

"You're more beautiful" I said grinning, looking into his eyes as he held mine.

He blushed and grinned. I leaned forward and connected our lips. He instantly kissed back, and we melted into the kiss, the sparks flying immediately. The cold wind nipped at our skin, but the warmth from the kiss emanated unto us, heating us up instantaneously.

We slowly pulled apart minutes later and held each other's gaze.

"Wow" we both said.

We giggled like little kids and closed the gap again, the kiss too sweet to pull apart. Eventually the cars stopped and we were let out.

Finn and Jack came off after us, their fingers still intertwined. They were the embodiment of a perfect couple, and I was honestly envious. I wrapped my arm securely around Jaeden's waist and he wrapped both of his arms around mine.

It was 11:00 at night, and the festival lights illuminated the dim sky with twinkling colours of red, white, blue, green, and yellow. The colours and sounds and smells filled my senses but Jaeden was the one who stimulated me.

I pulled him in close and whispered softly in his ear.

"I love you, Jaeden"

He wrapped his arms around my neck tightly as I wrapped my arms around the small of his back, holding him close.

"I love you too, Wyatt"

The night carried on as we melted into our embrace.

"Finally closed the gap, eh Wyatt?" Sophia asked smirking, Jack and Finn giggling as the three of them turned towards Jaeden and I.

"Shut up" Jaeden and I laughed.

The five of us walked in peace through the festival, Finn and Jack holding hands on one side of Sophia as Jaeden and I walked with tightly intertwined fingers on her other side.

"I love you guys" she whispered.

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