|Shot 91| • Coming Out • |Stenbrough|

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Anxious_Asexual it's been a couple weeks, but I miss you. It feels so weird to not see new comments from you, be it quips, jokes, or praise.

You once told me that I was your muse, but honestly you were mine. Some of these shots would not exist without you.

I hope you're reading these as a ghost or something and slapping me when I don't update like I should. Rest easy, love♥

~Forever, Jae👑

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There was no denying it anymore. I knew it was true. I guess I've known ever since I was little, but...I'm gay. I was proud of myself, I finally came to terms with how I feel. Not even Derry could change that, no one could change me.

Yet I was still scared of what others would think, and there was only one person I trusted with it.

My best friend, Bill.

He may tease me sometimes and goof around a lot, but I know he's a really great guy. I trust him with this. I wanted him to know more than anything. I called him and asked him to meet me at the Quarry cliff.

"It's really important, Bill"

"D-Don't worry, Stanny, I'll buh-be there in ten"

"Okay, see you soon"

"Suh-See you soon, St-Stan"

I hung up the phone giddily and rode my bike to the Quarry. I waited for him at the cliff. I glanced at my watch a thousand times as I tapped my foot.

Suddenly, I felt tender fingers grasp my shoulders. I looked up to see gentle blue eyes gazing into mine.

"Hey, Stanny" he smiled.

"Bill!" I tackled him in a hug.

He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up.

"Hey" he giggled, and set me down. "Suh-So what's up, Stan?"

"I, uhm...I wanted to tell you something, Bill..."

"What? Y-You're not a vuh-virgin anymore?"

"NO! Come on, Bill, I'm serious"

"Alright" he chuckled. "Wha-What's on your muh-mind, Stan?"

"Well, I...I wanted to tell you something about me..." I said shyly.

"Okay?" he smirked and cocked an eyebrow.

"Promise you won't freak out or anything? It's kinda big, at least to me"

Alright" he chuckled. "I puh-promise I won't f-freak out. What is it?"

"I, um...I-I'm, sort of...I'm gay" I said the last part quietly, and braced for his reaction.

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