|Shot 92| • Can I Be Him • |Jyatt|

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"Happy birthday by the way, Jaeden" Wyatt smiled and pulled something out of his pocket. "Here, Jae"

"I thought you said you had no present?" I smiled as I received his gift.

"It's just a little thing, Jae" he rubbed the back of his neck.

I examined the gift. It was a golden keychain of my favourite animes: Naruto and Blue Exorcist.

"My favourite animes! This is really cool"

"I'm glad you like it, Jaeden"

"Thanks, Wyatt. Wait, did you give me this because I talked about Naruto and Blue Exorcist being my faves? You remembered that!"

As I admired the present, Wyatt spoke bluntly.

"Are you going out with Finn?" he blurted out, catching me completely off guard.

"W-What? W-Why do you ask?" I queried nervously.

"You, me, Finn, and Jack have been best friends for a long time, Jaeden. Of course I'd notice" he chuckled lightly.

"Oh, right" I chortled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it. We've not been dating long, so I didn't get much chance to tell you"

"And Finn hid it from me the whole time. Hah! That asshole"

"Yeah, sorry" I chuckled.

He stood up.

"Well, congrats, Jaeden" he said mournfully, and started to walk off.

"Wait, really?" I called after him and he stopped, and slowly turned his head.

"Yeah, congrats...but you chose wrong" he muttered under his breath, and turned away, walking off.

But I heard it.


~Two days later~

I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned but Finn wrapped his arms around me.

"Jaeden? What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

Wyatt...What did he mean when he said I chose wrong? Does he...like me? It's so obvious now. I've been so blind. After all, I was only dating Finn because I wanted to get over Wyatt.

Because how could I be as lucky as to get to have the love of my life love me back?

But he does.

And I chose wrong.

I wiggled out of Finn's grasp and climbed out of his bed.

"Jaeden?" he questioned.

"I'm sorry, Finn...I can't do this" I say as I slip on my shirt.

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