Chapter 6

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Damian awoke in the infirmary a couple hours later disorientated and confused, Dick informed him on what happened, telling him about him being under a hypnotic control by Ra's and that he attacked the team. Damian didn't take this news lightly, saying something alone the lines of 'I've been compromised and am a danger to the team' before leaving the infirmary and retreating to his room where he sat, refusing to sleep just in case his Grandfather attempts to get into his dreams again!

"where's Damian?" Kori quarried as Dick made breakfast the next morning for the team "he's in his room still! Prob's still tied from last night!" Dick answered as he scrambled some eggs and turned bacon. "is nobody going to take about what happened last night?" Garfield asked leaning over the front of the couch "there's nothing to talk about Gar "Kori replied as she placed Ravens breakfast in front of her who was sitting at the counter reading a book "N-nothing to talk about?" Garfield returned as his voice cracked "halloo Robin just turned on us and tried to kill us! There's everything to talk about!" he finished as Kori and Dick gave each other a look "we'll hold a team meeting today to discuss recent matters and what we will do moving forward." Kori finished handing Gar and Donna a plate each.

Raven didn't pay much attention to the convocation as her mind was else where. thinking about last night, she couldn't get the image out of her head of Damian face right before he nearly killed her! It was just so lifeless a numb, it honestly scared her to see him like that.

Later that day the team minus Damian, who refused to come out of his room, met in the common room to discuss events and come up with a solution. They all took a seat around the U-shaped couch with Kori starting "as you all know, last nights events were unsuspected to say the least, with that said it does bring light to some issues we have been having lately but also more unanswered questions!" she looked to Dick who continued "we did some extensive testing on Damian and have been keeping an extra close eye on him and it seems that the sub-concourse programming is only active when a certain word is used" he concluded.

"and the word is?" Raven asked in an annoyed tone "we don't know yet" Kori said seeming a bit upset. "then what are we going to do about it" Garfield spoke up sounding a bit concerned for his own safety, "Batman's has already looking into  multiple possible solutions and he thinks it would also be best for Damian to return back to Gotham with him for ours and Damian's safety!" hearing this Raven once again got that sharp pain in her chest "we cant just hand him off to the Batman without trying to help him first" Raven spoke not wanting Damian to leave "he apart of this family whether you like it or not" she finished hoping it would change their minds.

"Raven's right, we can't just hand him off like his not our problem" Kori agreed with Raven to her surprise, "but what?" Donna asked kind of unsure "what do you mean 'but what'? Dick queered a bit confused. "But what can we do to help him? Like you said yourself, he won't talk to anyone without getting angry?" Donna finished.

At that everyone just looked at each other not knowing either until Raven stood up out of her sit and walked out of the room leaving the team confused. She made her way down the hall way to Damian's room, standing there for a second to collect her thoughts she knocked on his door, she stood there for about two minutes until she saw the door begin to open, standing on the other side was a very tired and angry looking Damian.

"what?" the son of batman asked looking annoyed by her sudden appearance "I came to see if you were ok and to have a chat with you!" Raven spoke in a soft, caring voice hoping she could get something out of him "like I said before, I don't need your help!" he then went to close the door but before he could she reached in and grabbed his wrist. Pursing at the sudden flood of emotion and memories both Damian and Raven just stood there looking at each other.

"Now can we talk?" she asked, looking into his emerald green eyes. Looking down Damian just nodded moving to the side to let Raven in. As she walked into the room she was surprised how dark it was in there considering it was the middle of the day, she the noticed an array of knifes sticking out of one of the walls and a training doll which looked like it got into a fight with a lion. Taking a seat on Damian's bed she patted the spot next to her for Damian to come sit. Hesitantly he made his way over and sat next to her trying to avoid eye contact.

For a while they just sat in silence until Raven spoke up "has he contacted you lately?" she asked knowing how terrible it is to have someone in your head all the time, worried that Damian's Grandfather may be trying to manipulate his mind again. "I haven't slept lately so no!" he put simply, still trying to avoid looking at her. Nodding to this Raven looked down to her lap again trying to think of what to say next.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you the other night at the ware house!" Damian said looking a bit ashamed of himself with what happened "I wasn't your fault Damian! You had no control over it" Raven tried to ensure Damian slowly trying to put her hand on Damian's to see what he was feeling but he quickly pulled away and stood up "No it is my fault. I should have done something sooner, I should have seen this coming I... I..." Damian studded looking to the floor as Raven got up and made her way over to where he was standing. Taking his hand in hers she watched as Damian looked up at her. His jade green eyes meeting her deep violet purple ones.

They just stood there for a while staring into each other's eyes, all Raven could think about was how amazing his eyes were. She began to lean in with him doing the same, as they were mere centimetres away from each other they were startled by a knock at the door with Dick voice asking if he could talk with Damian, not knowing Raven was in the room already. seeing this Raven decided to make a quick exit, not wanting to get into any awakened situations.

As the door open Dick watched Raven as she walked passed him and made her way down the hall looking quite fluted. Confused he turned back to see Damian at the door closing it in his face but stopping it before it was fully shut "hey I just want to have a chat" Dick said as he fought to get the door open against Damian "go away Grayson" Damian shot back but eventually was over powered but Dicks brute force. With the door now open Dick asked what Raven was doing in his room but was returned with the Door getting slammed on him again this time closing fully and being lock by Damian before Dick could get a word out. Giving up Dick left, leaving Damian to wonder what just happened between him and Raven.  

Hey guys so sorry about not uploading for like forever. new chapter today, hope u like it and if u want to ask about anything just comment and ill get beck to you :)

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