chapter 5

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Raven looked up to see Batman standing in front of her as everything around her was thrown into chaos. Both League of assassin members and Gorilla Grodds men rushed to pull out their weapon's, surround the caped crusader who just stood there unfazed. "what's going on here?" Batman demanded as he scanned the room, all the Titans on the ground either knocked out or slowly coming to and a very angry Damian on the over side getting up and retrieving his Katana, then he noticed Nyssa al guhl and to his surprise, Ra's standing next to her with his arms behind his back smirking.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up Batman!" Ra's commented as he raised his hand to tell his and Grodds men to stand down "what are you doing here Ra's? your supposed to be dead!" Batman question getting worried with what Ra's may have done to Damian "I have returned to reclaim my Grand son and purge this world of its impurities!" Ra's announced as he looked up with his arms out, then looking back towards Batman "starting with you!" he finished pointing his finger at the Dark knight as Damian once again went in for the attack except this time the target was his father. Bruce reacting Quickly to this grabbing Damian's sword arm as he was swinging it towards him, pulling it back quickly bringing Damian with, Batman kneed him in the chest hard making blood spite out of his mouth as Bruce went to grab his son by the throat, lifting him up and smashing him on the ground.

Holding Damian down to the floor by his throat since he was still trying to fight back, grabbing at his father's hand and kicking his legs around like a mentally insane person "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?" Batman yelled to Ra's al guhl, getting angrier by the second "using a method of brain washing I have been able to access his mind in his sleep creating subconscious programming so with just one word he's under my full undying command." Ra's finished, staring Batman dead in the eyes without blinking. By this time Damian had blacked out from lack of oxygen, letting go of Robins neck batman turned to the Titans "get him and your selves out of here, ill deal with Ra's!" he commanded "but..." Nightwing attempted to protest but Bruce stopped him "no buts".

"they aren't going anywhere, especially with my Grandson" Ra's al guhl returned looking quite annoyed, raising his hand, three armoured men walked out with chest mounted Apocalyptic weapons "GET OUT OF HERE" Batman shouted to the Titans before jumping out of the way of one of the lesser beams shot by the men. Nightwing ran over to grab Damian, dodging a beam in the progress as he and the rest of the Titans started to find a way out of the Ware house as it was beginning to fall apart thanks to the high-powered lasers accidentally cutting support pillars coursing the roof to collapse under its own weight. Batman began to take out league members and soldier's coming at him while Grodd disappeared behind the machine with Ra's and Nyssa.

The Teen titans finally made their way out of the collapsing building as it began to shake aggressively, Batman wasn't far behind them as a large ship began to emerge from the Ware house. Looking up in awe the titans watched as the ship turned around and took off into the sky, but not before Batman managed to put a tracking device on It.

Sorry for the short chapter I was bussy most of the day with another thing! Anyway, ill be back tomorrow with a bigger, better chapter 😊

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