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It's been over a month now since you transferred into UA, your classes are fun, your teachers are interesting, your classmates are surprisingly enjoyable to be around, and then there's him. Katsuki Bakugo, ever since you were put into class 1-A he's done nothing but give you hell. You'd think that having a quick called Hell, you'd at least be able to ignore the shit he does to you but no. A day doesn't go by where he isn't staring at you in class, where he isn't sneaking around at lunch following behind you, and where he isn't always coming to you and looking up at you dead in the eyes and demanding you both battle each other after school. He even goes as far as to leave notes in your locker saying stuff like "I'll beat that pretty face of yours up so badly!" Or "Meet me at the park after school for a battle!" You never go, it's not because you're afraid of him, oh no, Katsuki is so small and less experienced in fighting than you. You've been fighting all your life and you were actually quite worried you might hurt your classmates, especially Katsuki since he's always trying to get you to fight him. Although this past week you've noticed that Katsuki hasn't been paying much attention to you, in fact this past week he hasn't come up to you demanding for a fight. He hasn't left any notes in your locker and he's stopped looking at you completely. At first you were ok with it, actually you were so happy about that, you smiled, like an actual genuine smile and not one of your fake ones you always do. But as the days went by you grew to miss his antics and wondered why the sudden stop?Today you decided you'd confront Katsuki about it, see if he's feeling ok but of course you're not very well with talking to people, many say you're too blunt about things verbally and physically. So you wrote a note to him asking "Everything ok?" And tossed it onto his desk which was actually next to yours. He read the note and he seemed to be shocked knowing this note came from you, you didn't get a response back so you left him alone. When the lunch bell rang everyone ran out so fast leaving only you and Katsuki, you weren't sure if you should confront him now and actually talk to him or just leave him be, but you went with 'Fuck it what's the worse that can happen?' And went right up to Katsuki whom was actually on his way towards the door. "Oi Bakugo, you didn't answer my question earlier." "..." "Bakugo?" "..what?" "Is everything ok? You've been avoiding me this past week, what's wrong?" Katsuki was looking at the ground now not making any eye contact with you what so ever and you can tell that your question was just eating at him. "Bakugo?" Then it happened. "Why do you care so much for huh?!" "I just happened to notice the sudden change and-" "And what?! Just cause I stopped paying attention to you doesn't mean you gotta start worrying about me! I can do what I want and if I choose to stop interacting with you then I can! Now leave me alone, I don't wanna be near a tall ass freak like you!" "..oh." You weren't sure what struck you more, the fact that he called you a freak or that he didn't wanna be near you at all. Yeah you both weren't exactly friends or anything near friends but you still cared for him, even if he was an ass towards you, but now it seems like all that time you grew to care for him went to waste. He doesn't wanna be near you and you were a freak to him, ouch. The next day was Saturday and you decided to go out for a nice evening run since you spent the whole morning exercising to the max to get all that pent up stress out of your system. You not a person who gets angry or stressed easily, you're the opposite actually, but on days you are stressed you exercise a lot so you wouldn't be having that burden balled up inside of you, and today was no exception. You ran for about an hour until you came to a stop to catch your breath. You were at some quiet park and you noticed that a bench wasn't too far from you, so you went and sat on it and you felt as though you melted onto the bench. You were so worn out and very thirsty, unfortunately you ran out of water halfway through the run so now you're just stuck panting like an idiot who's trying to catch his breath. "Oi stupid, the matter with you?" You turned your head in the direction of the voice and to your surprise it was Katsuki and what caught your attention even more was the case of water bottles he had with him along with a bag with groceries, seems like he went out shopping. "Oi I asked you a question!" You were still panting but managed to reply back to him. "Went out—running..." you had to catch your breath again, god how you hated yourself as of now for not quitting your bad habit of smoking. You grew up in a household of smokers and pretty much became one yourself, although you do wish you'd stop but it's hard. "Running? At this time? Jeez you sound like an idiot where's your water, you did bring some with you right?" Your attention was back to Katsuki and you showed him your empty water bottle. "God you're an idiot, if you knew you were gonna run for a long distance at least bring more water, you don't wanna faint now do you?!" "No." "Ugh here." He handed you a water bottle from the case he had. "Thanks." And you drank nearly all that water and used whatever was left of it to pour on yourself, oh what relief you felt afterwards. "Wow now you got yourself all wet, did you even bring a shirt with you? It's getting dark out now, you might get a cold with having no shirt on idiot." You looked at Katsuki for a moment showing that you left your shirt behind at home and that you're completely fine with getting sick. "God you're hopeless, cmon let's go to my house, and idiot like yourself shouldn't be left alone out here." "Are you sure, Bakugo?" "Fine then stay out here and get sick, not my fucking problem!" "Ok ok I'm coming over, don't get your panties in a twist ya twink.." "THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY!!" "Nothing." "Better.." When you got to Katsuki's home, his mother was more than happy to have you over, in fact she basically told you to spend the night since it was late out and it'd be bad to walk around shirtless at night. "Thanks again for letting me stay the night ma'am." "Oh no problem (Y/N) a friend of Katsuki is more than welcome to stay over, especially an attractive one!" "MOM!" "You're too kind ma'am." "You both better take a bath and head to bed now, it's getting very late." "Yes ma'am, goodnight." "Night old hag." Wack "OW GOD DAMNIT!" "LEARN SOME DAMN MANNERS LIKE (Y/N)!!" You followed close behind Katsuki, his home was much bigger compared to your small one bedroom apartment you now live in after the incident. He opened a door that lead to a bathroom that was a nice decent size, but still much bigger than yours back home. "Nice bathroom." "Yeah, yeah, now hurry up and get inside before I leave you out here." "Ok." You finally stepped inside the bathroom and sat on the toilet, watching Katsuki turn on the tub. What shocked you at this moment was when he started to strip right in front of you, it wasn't until he was only in his boxers when he asked why you weren't undressing yourself. "Oh, right." "The hell do you mean by that? God you're slow!" "Can't a guy enjoy a view?" "!!!" Katsuki blushed at this and just hurriedly thrown off his boxers and into the tub, you did the same and sat on the far end of it. There was a minute of silence until you broke it. "Why did you avoid me?" "Huh?" "Up until now, you've been avoiding me and yesterday, what was that all about?" "Ugh are you still on that?" "..yeah?? It happened literally yesterday when you yelled at me and called me a freak. I'm not an idiot Katsuki, I can tell when something is bothering someone." This was the first time you ever said his first name and it seems like you really got his attention now. "..Ugh." He dipped his head body in the water leaving nothing but the top of his head and eyes out. You sighed and turned your back towards him and started to bathe yourself. Three minutes has past and you felt eyes piercing into your back, so you turned around and saw Katsuki staring hard at it. "What?" "The hell happened to your back?" Then it hit you, no one knew of the scars on your back and no one knew how you got them but yourself. "Fell." "Fell? The hell you fall off of? A fucking cliff?!" He wasn't wrong actually. "Yeah." "What?! I was kidding holy hell." "I'm not." "You're serious..god.. how..why?" "Happened when I was still living in America, uh, my family isn't exactly the loving sort and pushed me off a cliff near our home. I don't remember much else after that other than waking up in the hospital with multiple scars on my face and more on my back, and my family no where to be seen." You were staring blankly at the wall now, but you didn't feel sad when telling Katsuki what happened, surprisingly you felt better with telling someone. "God, I outta kick their asses." "Heh thanks but no, already took care of that." "Huh?" "After what happened I kinda got my pay back for it and left, that's why I'm here now ." You noticed the shift in the water and that Katsuki has actually gotten closer to you, getting a better look at your scars. "Do they still hurt?" "No, you can touch them if you want." And with that he did. He reached up and touched the ones on your face, feeling each and every inch of them. You couldn't help but lean into his soft hand, and out of instinct you held onto his waist and pulled him a little closer." "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to." "It's fine.." After about five minutes of this you both let each other go and got out of the bath and dressed up quickly and into Katsuki's bedroom. Now here was the tricky part, there wasn't any extra beds or anything and Katsuki refused to let you sleep on the floor saying "That's so fucking disgusting, why not just sleep on the bed with me like a normal fucking person you idiot." Leaving you two to share his bed, usually you'd be fine with sharing a bed with someone, but that was it the bed was your own. You're a tall guy with a big bed that can fit up to three people and the bed that you're on as of now held enough room for two small people. You and Katsuki were basically spooning since you couldn't get comfortable on your back with half of your shoulder poking off the bed. You held onto Katsuki very closely, not wanting to accidentally push him off his own bed and to your surprise, he didn't put up a fight about it. It seemed as though he wanted to be in your arms, and honestly you were ok with that. "(Y/N).." "Hm?" "You wanna know why I've been avoiding you?" "Yeah." Now this has your full attention. "I...I like you.. like a lot, and I don't know how else to show it to you other than trying to start shit with you." "Ah." "Ah? Is that all you have to say back?.." "Oh, no sorry it's just, it all makes sense now." " most likely don't even feel the same way as me...and I wouldn't blame you..." He sat up and covered his blushing face, you sat up as well. "Just.. let's not talk about this again ok? And don't tell everyone else back at UA about it like fucking De-" You had just about enough of his rambling and kissed him. He was obviously shocked about this but gradually kissed back. "I like you too Katsuki, I care about you a lot." He was a blushing mess now and presses his face against your chest. "God you're such an idiot, don't kiss me like that!" "Heh sorry." You both then fell asleep, Katsuki laying on top of your chest and you holding him close.

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