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You always were a close to your friends, maybe a little too close some would say, but no one would say anything since they all liked your company, especially Iida. He knew how you treated everyone the same, such as with hugs, spending time with each and every one of them, and many other things that he could think of, since he was usually there to witness it. But whenever you hung out with him or would hug him, he couldn't help but feel special, he know you did this with all your friends but he still cherished these moments with you. He knew it was wrong of him to feel jealous whenever you did so with all the others, he just can't help his own feelings. He loves you and he knew it. He loves you, yet you never seem to notice. On Friday morning he was the second person to be in class, 'strange' he thought, he's always the first one there yet someone else is here- wait..It's you?! Why are you there so early? Oh, he really wanted to say hello but he didn't seem to have a voice that morning. "Morning Tenya." You said, "G-Good morning!" Damnit he stuttered, hopefully you'd ignore that and not bring it u-"woah, ya feeling alright man? You seem kinda rattled." "Yes of course, just a bit tired is all, no need to worry for me!" "Heh if you say so, anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to sleepover at my place tonight?" Sleepover at your place? Your home? Being alone with you?! Why, that sounded like Heaven to Iida but..he didn't want to seem too eager. "A sleepover during the weekend? Hm..I'll have to see if my family has anything scheduled but until then, I would love to!" "Great! Then it's a date!" Date? Date?! Lord, just hearing that come from you made his heart beat faster. "Haha yeah!" After a long day of leading everyone around in class (Yelling at Bakugo) Iida meet you outside the school gates once school was over. "So, you able to go Tenya?" "Yes, I've spoken to my family and they were more than happy to let me go, but the only problem is I don't have extra clothes." "Oh! No problem, I have clothes that might fit you..eh maybe?? I am a bit taller than you and bigger around the arms...Anyhow don't worry! Tonight will go smoothly." Iida couldn't help but blush after hearing you say that he's able to wear your clothes. It took you about 30 minutes to get to your house from the school, Iida always thought you lived farther than that since you were always the last person to come to class. "Have you always lived this close (Y/N)?" "Huh? Oh, yeah I have, why?" "Well you come sorta later than I would expect for living so close to UA." "Yeah, I guess you're right, honestly I come later than most since I'm usually out on morning runs." "Morning runs? Why not do so after school?" "After school I'm doing homework, chores, and training. So I don't really have time to have my run like that."  "Oh, understandable, honestly I just hope it doesn't keep you from staying focused in class, and do you have time to eat breakfast? You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day-" "Tenya calm down, it's ok, really! Haha I get it you're worried and yes I do eat breakfast, and when was the last time you saw me unfocused in class?" "Ah, you're right, I'm sorry for going off on you (Y/N)." "Nah it's ok, honestly I like that you worry for me but I think you worry a bit too much. You should relax more, honestly that's the main reason why I asked to you sleepover here." "You..were worried for me?" "Yeah, anyway let's get inside already and bathe, I feel like I have stink of school!" "Nonsense (Y/N) you don't smell at all." "Alright but I still think taking a bath before eating dinner would be nice." "Fair enough." Once you both entered your house Iida followed behind you closely, heading into your bedroom to put both of your backpacks away. Then you showed Iida into your bathroom. "Wait here, I'll go get our clothes ready and an extra towel for you." "Ok, I'll start the bath." He can't believe this, he's actually going to bathe with you. Yes you've both been nude around each other before but that was during the hot springs with the rest of the class, so he wasn't able to actually enjoy being around you nude. Actually now that he thinks about it, he almost sounds like Mineta..hhhh..he's getting shivers just thinking about that boy...disgusting. Once the bath was full he started to undressed himself, he was almost finished when you walked in with your hands full. "Alright I have our clothes and your to-Oh! Sorry I should've knocked first! Do you want me to turn around?" "Uhhhh." "Right right, I'll turn around I'm so sorry!" My god you actually saw him naked! Iida was now a blushing mess but he wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste. "(Y/N) I-it's ok..you can turn around, we're going to share the bath anyway, so there's no need to hide anything." You seem to be thinking to yourself so he let you be and went into the bath first. "Hm..you're right! I'll just get undressed as well." Iida blushed even more as he watched you undress in front of him, he knew you had a nice body but he didn't expect to your body to be this nice! Oh how he hopes he doesn't get a boner from this..that would be utterly embarrassing. Once you finished you joined him in the bath as well, enjoying the heat from the bath you couldn't help but moan from the feeling. "Ahh this feels amazing~" Iida had to turn his back and move a bit farther from you to refrain from jumping at your moans. 'Don't let it get to you Tenya, he's only enjoying the bath. Right, of course!' "Hey Tenya why are you so far away?" You had moved right behind Iida and held his waist close to you, Iida couldn't help but stiffen up and squeak to your touch. "Ahh (Y/N) w-what do you think you're doing?" "Hugging you of course, whenever someone hugs me it helps me relax, so I was hoping it'd help you too..but you seem to only stiffen up even more..hmm." "Hey what are you doing now?!" You pulled Iida into your lap and he could feel your member right underneath him!! He wanted to scream so much but held his breath when he started to feel your hands wonder his chest. "Don't worry Tenya, I'm going to help you relax." You said to him as your head rested on his shoulder and watched as your hands kept wondering his chest, one hand ever so slowly going lower than the other, the other hand going higher to his nipples. "Please (Y/N)....don't do this to me...I don't want to be like everyone else." You stopped your moments after hearing what he said. "Do you think I do this with everyone?" "..why else would you do so with me?" "Oh my god Tenya..are you serious?" "Yeah?" "Hahahah!" You're laughing at him now he thought, you were probably just messing with his feelings this whole time! "Tenya, I like you a lot." "W-what?" "I like you Tenya Iida, in fact I actually love you, you're always so worried about me and the others, you have a caring heart and a great personality but I feel as thought you need time to actually relax..that's why I invited you over to my home like I said so before." Iida's heart was pumping so fast right now and his face was so red, he couldn't believe his ears, you love him just like how he loves you. "I-I love you too (Y/N)!" "Really?! Great!" You held him tight and kissed his cheek making Iida blush harder. "You know..I never got to finish what I've started Tenya..and I can tell that you're hard." You smirked at him at he tries to cover his face. "Please (Y/N) not in here...." "Ah ok~" Later after the bath you both enjoyed an eventful evening.

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