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To say you liked Kirishima was an understatement, you love him with all your heart but sadly he has eyes for another. Everyone in class knew he and Bakugo had feelings for each other and it hurt you everyday to see him smiling by someone who's not you. The only one who knew about these feelings you had was your friend Iida and he would try his best to make you feel better when you felt sad about Kirishima, there was also a time when he woke up from his sleep because he knew something was wrong with you and ran to your room right away. When the first petal fell from your mouth you were confused and thought it was from the tea you drank that had flower petals in it and somehow didn't notice you swallowed one. But when you noticed your throat was itchy you went into the restroom and looked in your mouth and saw small petals coming from your throat, it scared you and you ran to Recovery Girl. She gave you a solemn look and told you that you have Hanahaki disease, she had you have x-rays done right away and saw that there was indeed flowers growing inside of you and was slowly going to kill you if you didn't get surgery done right away. You asked if there was any side effects to getting surgery and what she said broke you. "Once the flowers are removed, so are the feelings that grew with them, I know this is hard to hear but I really suggest thinking this over hard and consider getting the surgery." You gave her a nod and left to your dorm and cried in your bed. You cried because you fell in love with someone who will never feel the same, you cried because these emotions that you had for him will have to go away and you honestly didn't want that to go. You loved Kirishima so much and it was killing you. As you laid in bed thinking about Kirishima you started to have a bad coughing fit of full size flowers and petals that was mixed with your blood. Your throat was burning and tears were falling and you just kept coughing. Then there was a knock at the door. "Hey (Y/N) you doing ok in there?" 'Shit not now!' You thought to yourself, coughing even harder. "(Y/N) are you alright?!" Iida shouted as he opened your door that you forgot to lock. He looked at you horrified by the scene in front of him.

You put your hand up to try and stop him from getting any closer but it was to no avail as he grabbed your arm and wrapped it over his shoulder, dragging you to Recovery Girl's, you knocked out on the way there

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You put your hand up to try and stop him from getting any closer but it was to no avail as he grabbed your arm and wrapped it over his shoulder, dragging you to Recovery Girl's, you knocked out on the way there. You woke up hours later in a hospital, you felt really drowsy and drained, when you sat up you noticed that you weren't wearing a shirt and that you now have a new scar on your chest. You stared at it longer trying to remember what happened before you woke up, then everything hit you. 'They really did it, didn't they?' You thought to yourself as you laid back down. Then Iida came into the room with your favorite food in a container. "You're awake! Thank god." He said as he sat in the seat next to the bed and placed the container on his lap. "How are you feeling?" It took you a minute to respond back but when you did your voice was raspy and slow. "I..I feel really drained Tenya..and hurt..emotionally." You turn your hand that was laying by your side so Iida can hold it, which he grabbed and held onto tightly. "Do you..want to talk about it?" He asked. You chuckled softly and nodded your head in a agreement with a sad smile. "The feelings that I had..for Kirishima..are gone now..I can't even think about loving him without feeling so..alien to as if those feelings-" "were never there?.." He said as he finished your sentence and looked at you with tears in his eyes. He was the only one who knew how much you loved Kirishima and it hurts him to see his best friend to have to suddenly lose all those feelings in such a short period of time, in fact it was only 12 hours ago when your surgery happened and he waited out in the waiting room, knowing this will happen to you and it was hurting him so much. Seeing you like this in the hospital bed made him think of his older brother. "(Y/N) I am truly sorry that this had to happen.." You looked back up to the ceiling with a blank expression. "It had to be done..." You said quietly. "this is my fault...for falling so hard." The next day you were released from the hospital and was able to go back to school. Class was just like any other day, except now you were a little bit off. You were now just a stoic and silent person, spoke when spoken to, did your work quietly and only ever spoke freely to Iida. Everyone in class found out what happened weeks later and couldn't help but feel sad for you. When Kirishima found out he felt so guilty and tried to apologize to you but only received a blank look and a dry answer. "It's fine." You said as you stared down at him. Ever since the surgery your voice stayed raspy and low, pretty much giving you a stand offish vibe to people. You were about to walk away from Kirishima but he grabbed your wrist. "No (Y/N) it's not fine! Have you seen yourself? You're not the same and it's all my fault! I-I was the reason for all of this and all you can say is-" "Eijiro!" You said sternly giving your voice a scary tone. "Yes?.." "Please don't blame yourself because of what happened, yeah I loved you and it was unrequited and I guess I changed from it but it's ok. Really, I'm not in pain anymore and I don't have to worry about my feelings getting hurt when I see you happy...with Bakugo.." You trailed off, Kirishima looked at the floor sadly, you lifted his chin up to look at you. "Hey, I'll be alright, ok? Don't beat yourself up so much about this, what happened, happened. Now just continue on with your life and I will too, ok?" He smiled at you sadly and nodded his head. "Ok." And gave you a hug before he walked away. 'Sometimes love hurts and we learn from the pain.' You thought to yourself.

For anyone who didn't get my reference at the top about Iida.

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