|Chapter 10|

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Third Person's POV

  "Mom-A MAN?!"exclaimed Seolhyun with shock.

  she took a step back and look at the house address,feeling awkward and confused.

  "But,it's the right house.."mumbled Seolhyun to herself.

  Namjoon and the rest came forward,no one could understand the situation.

  the man just looked straight back at them with no idea on what to do.

  "Honey,who is at the door?"

  a voice could be heard,coming from the house.

  it was familiar to Seolhyun,just like the alarm clock she used to beat up every morning.

  the women's figure could be discern bit by bit until she was beside the man.

  "Seolhyun?!Is that you?"shouted the woman who Seolhyun called mom.

  "Where have you been?Why did you leave me like that?!Are you okay?!"
questioned the woman while she caress her daughter's face.

   both mother and daughter were flowing with tears,hugging each other.

Kim Seolhyun's POV

  the group of people were assembled at the living room,sitting down on the couch,eyes roving to each face until it was recognisable.

  my mouth was unable to open up,the serene scenario was too quiet like it was supposed to be like that.

  suddenly,a cough could be heard coming from a man's voice.

  "So um,can someone explain?I know you are the daughter of m-my girl
*cough*friend but care to explain?"

  i rolled my eyes to the man who is supposedly my mother's boyfriend.

  My mom literally has no taste in men,huh?I don't like him already.

"Well,mom,I know everything from the anonymous call to dad being landed in jail,"

  I hold my hands together before releasing the truth.

  "But,I won't be here for long,I have a new life waiting for me,these people are waiting for me."

  I said while gesturing my hands to them.

  "What do you mean?I don't understand?"My mom asked with hint of sadness.

  "Mom,I am in a gang now.It might be weird or hard to understand but I dont want to turn back."I sighed,
afraid of the outcome.

  "Why?What is the reason?"My mom asked.

  "Remember about the anonymous call to the police?It was from one of my friends who is in the gang.They really wanted me to be in one until they cared about you too,"

  "So this is what I owe them.Plus,you have a man to take care of you.And I promised,that if this guy dare to hurt you,I will slit his throat."

  i promised while looking at the man.He replied back by holding his neck.

then,a giggle was heard from my mom.

  "Seolhyun,to tell you the truth,I was in a gang too.I am not scared about you being hurt or anything.I support you with your decision since I've been in this state before."

  "But if the things you do is going above my limitation,I will hunt you down honey."

  My face was full of emotions.
  Ok what the fuck?My mom was in a gang?!Ok wakanda shit is this?!

  "I thought I would never hear you say that in a lifetime..."I trailed off.

  "Honey,you thought wrong.Now,if you would like to start your new life.You may go.I won't hold you back,just remember I will always purple you."my mom said while smiling.

  I smiled,remembering that purple means trust and love.

  and with that,I stood up with the rest and leave after a tight hug. 

Third Person POV

  "That was easier than I thought.."said Jin with a smile.

  "Well,let's get down to business guys"said Namjoon before we went inside the van.
OMG have you guys watch Singularity yet?I watched it early in the morning and I couldn't sleep.
It's my jam now,Tae's deep ass voice is so soothing and the choreography
and the visuals are so aestheticly pleasing.Its just so good~.
Do you think i should do longer chapters like this?I would like to have some feedback.
Sorry if there is any wrong spellings,I am too tired to change it.

Bai Bai~

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