|Chapter 20|

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Third Person POV

"Oh oh,guys we have a problem."

Taehyung whispered into the mic as they both watched what's in front of them in amazement.

Stood in from of them,was two other people,possibly from another gang.

Taehyung and Seolhyun were wondering on how the fuck did the two not hear nor realise they were they.

Not wasting anymore time,Taehyung did a simple swift move to knock them out,punching.

Seolhyun cringed as he did so,remembering the time that he punched her in the face.

"What's the problem,are y'all alright"

Namjoon said with a tone of worry,making them both confuse on whether he was worried of the diamond or them.

"Nothing,Taehyung has taken care of the problem. There was just some other gang."

Seolhyun said,while staring at the two fainted body.

Seolhyun's POV

After the problem was solved,I gave my attention towards the diamond,
shining beautifully in the glass casing.

"Hmm,it seems like the security would be alerted if we easily open up the case and take the diamond."

Taehyung said,rubbing his chin.

"We need something as heavy as the diamond and we need to do this procedure fast so that we won't get any alarms to ring."

Taehyung said with intelligence.

"I researched quite a bit and since this is the one and only black diamond,it weighs about 7.8 gram so that is equal to about 7 paper clips."

(Y'all don't hate me,I know nothing of black diamonds cause all I was able to search was black diamond ring and stuff like that,so I'm just imagining.)

As I was talking,I took out seven paper clips wrapped in a rubber band from my purse and put on gloves.

"Damn,it weighs so little yet this cost so much."

Taehyung remarked as he put on gloves and got ready to open the case.

As he did,I quickly took the diamond and swiftly put the tied paper clips.

He closed back the case and we freezed to listen to any alarms.


A sound of an alarm was heard as it enclosed the room.

I sighed as I took out my phone from my purse and closed the alarm I set.

"T-that s-scared the living shit out of me."

Taehyung stuttered with widen eyes as he thought he was gettting caught.

I giggled before putting my phone back in and kept the diamond in a small box.

"Well,my alarm indicates that we have 5 minutes left to leave this place so we better get going."

I said as I opened the safe.

Taehyung nodded and we left the room and opened the secured door.

About 10 metres away from us was the staff walking to the secured door.

We briskly walked and acted like we were talking to each other.

As they went inside the door,Taehyung spoke into the mic and we all moved to the exit.

One by one we left the place without turning back

We got to the van and dashed off.

"Woohoo!We did it bitches!"

I screamed as all the burden finally left my shoulders.

The boys laughed as we happily drove back home.

The next day

It was after breakfast and we all sat down in the living room to watch some news.

"The black diamond was stolen yesterday night as it was replaced by paper clips and the stealer is yet to be found but,two people were put as suspect as they were found unconscious in the diamond room. If no more evidence can be concluded,
they will be framed as the stealer as police found out that they are from a mafia gang."

The news reporter said as she covered the news of the black diamond.

"Stupid police officers and smart gang members."

Namjoon chuckled as we all followed.

Suddenly,a knock could be heard from the door.


I wrote a lot but finally the black diamond mission is finally over,or is it?

Oh and uh,I'm having a school camp so I won't be updating till,next Monday?


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