10 - Your POV

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You stared down at your hands, fidgeting. The airplane you and all but Seokjin were in was finally finishing its cross over the Pacific Ocean. Seokjin had to leave early to go back to his soulmate, but everyone else insisted on waiting until your paperwork was all done and you could move to Korea with them permanently.

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin were seated in the row in front of you, and Tae and Jeongguk were behind, leaving you and Namjoon in your own little space. You were cuddled into his side and his arm was draped over you, keeping you warm and safe. He suddenly asked, "How are you feeling, jagi?"

"Perfect, Joon," you said, grinning at him.

He smiled back, "Good."

"Though," you admitted, "I'm a little nervous."

Namjoon ran his fingers through your hair and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Me too, jagi."

You sighed and settled against him, letting yourself doze off.

Seokjin and his soulmate were waiting at the Seoul airport, hand in hand and grinning. You bowed your head to both of them and Seokjin introduced his soulmate as Mina, though none of the boys called her that. She wrapped her arms around you warmly and you grinned against her, returning the hug earnestly. She ended up being as fluent in English as Namjoon, which helped to ease your nerves. She insisted on sitting next to you because Jinnie and the boys already got to know you, so now it's my turn!, which meant you were squished between her and Namjoon. It was okay though because your soulmate's arm was around you and Mina was asking you about your life and talking about theirs, her arm linked with yours. You called your sister over FaceTime and introduced them, and she immediately had to make sure that she was still the oldest of the three. She was, so when their conversation ended, Mine playfully referred to her as "eonni." Your biological sister wasn't fazed, though, and simply blew you two a kiss and then made you give the phone to Namjoon so she could blow him one too.

When you all arrived at the dorm, your eyes immediately widened. It was huge! Namjoon chuckled at your reaction and took your hand, showing you where everything was.

A few hours later, you were sitting at the table in the kitchen while Mina was working at the stove, changed into sweatpants and a tank top. You had offered to help, but Mina and Seokjin insisted that you should rest. Jet lag hadn't quite set in yet, though, so you sat in the kitchen, and Mina, Seokjin, and you chatted as if you'd been friends forever.

"So wait," Mina giggled. "Joonie fell on you? Like, actually into your lap?"

You grinned, "Yeah, he made me dump my coffee down my jacket."

Mina shook her head and Seokjin elbowed her affectionately and said in English, "God of destruction."

You snorted, "Is that what he's called?"

"Look it up on YouTube, you'll find hours of entertainment," Mina promised, shooting you a wink.

Namjoon entered the kitchen then and wrapped his arms around you. "Are you guys making me look bad?"

You tilted your head and Namjoon kissed your lips, gentle and sweet and intoxicating. "Never, Joon," you murmured, heart still fluttering from the kiss.

Namjoon hummed and you turned back to face Mina and Seokjin. Pleasant shivers ran up your spine as Namjoon kept his arms around you and rested his chin on your shoulder.

"Nuna?" Taehyung suddenly called, walking into the kitchen.

"Yes?" You and Mina said at the same time, turning to him.

You both froze, glancing at each other, before bursting out laughing. Tae squirmed, blushing fiercely, "Oh yeah, I guess I better use names now too."

"Which one of us were you talking to, Tae-ah?" Mina asked in Korean, still giggling.

Tae's eyebrows furrowed, "I was talking to [Y/N]-nuna, but now I forget my question."

Namjoon and Seokjin snorted at him, which made him blush even harder. Taking pity, you held out an arm to invite him to come sit beside you. He did, and Namjoon straightened, keeping his hands on your shoulders. He began to rub along your neck, making your eyelids flutter. Tae sighed and dropped his chin in his palm, tapping the tabletop thoughtfully with his other hand.

"Tae?" Jeongguk poked his head into the kitchen. "What are you doing? I thought you were going to ask [Y/N] if she wanted to play Overwatch?"

"Oh yeah!" Tae gave you a boxy grin. "Want to play Overwatch with Kookie and me?"

"Of course," you said, smiling. Namjoon snorted beside you and you elbowed him, shooting him a look that said be nice.

Namjoon took your hand and Tae and Jeongguk led you two into the living room. Jeongguk handed you a controller and Namjoon pulled you into his lap, winding his arms around your middle. Luckily this wasn't your first time playing, and you were able to beat Jeongguk once and Tae a few times, but still losing more than winning, until Seokjin hollered at you all to come eat dinner. You sat down beside Namjoon and grinned excitedly. You had been practicing eating whenever you could, but hadn't shown him what you could do yet. He grinned proudly when you ignored the fork Mina had left for you and dug in like the rest of them. He bent over and kissed your ear, whispering, "I love you, [Y/N]."

You smiled and leaned into him, "I love you too, Namjoon."

Jimin lifted his chopsticks, "[Y/N], try this!"

You leaned forward and let him feed you a bite. "That's good!"

Jimin grinned, his cheeks squishing up into his eyes, and Hoseok added, "Mina-nuna, this is awesome! I better bring my soulmate home quickly if it means I get to eat this!"

Mina smiled, "Seokjin helped."

"Yeah!" Seokjin pouted.

Hoseok made a noise in his throat and reached over to pat Seokjin's cheek, cooing, "Such a good job, Jinnie-hyung."

Seokjin swatted him away, "Stop touching!"

Giggling with the boys, you looked around at the family that was now yours and smiled, your heart soaring. You had never known that this type of happiness was possible, and you never wanted to forget this feeling.

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