xiii. the manipulated

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Amora stepped into the cell hesitantly. She was not completely sure what to expect. Would Loki be cold and argumentative, or quiet and familiar? Hopefully, since he helped her yesterday, he would lean toward the latter.

As usual, he was lounging on the sofa with a book in his hands, but his gaze seemed distant. After a beat, he gave her the barest glance, but then his head jerked back up. Loki's eyes widened and he jumped to his feet, the book falling to the side forgotten.

He immediately took a moment to take in her appearance before taking a step toward her, his hand moved to touch her arm.

But just as quickly as he had moved close, he took a step back, retracting his hand. The all too familiar mask of coolness came over his face as he glanced away.

Loki cleared his throat and asked quietly, "How are you feeling?"

Amora swallowed and nodded. "Fine."

With a small motion to the sofa, she asked, "May I?"

Loki's brow quirked, but he nodded and promptly moved his book out of the way for her to sit. She could feel his careful gaze on her and the cushion dip as he returned to his original spot beside her.

"I wanted to thank you," she said, finally looking him in the eye, with a soft smile, "for yesterday."

Loki blinked at her in surprise before nodding slowly. "You're welcome."

Another pause fell. Amora knew that she needed to speak to Loki about Thanos; Odin's orders only became more urgent after her vision.

Loki only relaxed slightly into the sofa, still watching her carefully; probably expecting her to drop at any second.

Taking a deep breath, Amora tried to remember how she had planned to start this conversation, but any eloquent words were lost. Loki was the silvertongue, not her. So she simply let the words flow out freely.

"I saw you," when Loki frowned in confusion, she continued, "on Midgard. In Germany. I was there."

Loki's eyes widened and swirl of emotions flashed over his face as he looked away. A grimace finally settled on his features.

"That was you," he breathed.

His gaze grew distant once more as he likely recalled the same moment that played through Amora's mind.

The elegant halls of the German building bore a strange resemblance to Asgard and yet still felt foreign. Amora gazed curiously at her surroundings. The spell was supposed to have taken her to Loki. Well, not her physical form, a projection of herself.

The area she was in was empty, but the sound of voices and soft music flowed from nearby. Moving closer to the noise, Amora caught sight of a grand stairwell descending to a formal event. She searched the crowds, but did not see those familiar, green eyes.

Her hands shook slightly; she did not know what she was going to find. If anyone other than Heimdall had told her of Loki's actions, she would have believed that they were mistaken. But the gatekeeper was never wrong. Loki had attacked Midgardians. Killed innocent people. And he had to be stopped.

Amora's assignment was only to confirm his location, but she hoped that Thor would not be needed.

A set of approaching footsteps startled her, and she turned to see him.

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