xv. the opportunity

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Amora sat silently, scanning and mulling over the countless books and papers strewn around her on the floor. Her legs were starting to lose circulation from their criss-crossed position under her; the hard floor was certainly not helping, but it would have to do. Where else could she spread the large semicircle of research that surrounded her?

No longer able to stand the numbness in her legs, Amora shifted. Her back bumped against something, sending a jolt through her. Jerking away and looking back at the hunched figure sitting back-to-back with her, she offered a quiet "Sorry".

Loki briefly lifted his gaze from the equally expansive array of holopads and books before him. "It's alright," he muttered softly.

They had spent the past few days like this; their collection of information and research growing as their search for the Infinity Stones continued.

As she bent over a study on the Chitauri, Amora huffed as the words seemed to blur together. Sitting back, she did not pull away when her back met Loki's. Instead, she glanced around at the complete circle of papers scattered about them on the cell floor and stifled a laugh.

"Do you know what this reminds me of?" she asked, a smile blooming on her face.

Loki hummed, his chin propped on a hand.

"That time we were studying for our language final."

Before she could fully get the last word out, Loki coughed out a laugh. Attempting to cover it with a groan, he rubbed his face and said, "That was awful. I hated that elective."

Amora laughed and teased, "Because you didn't try."

With a scoff, Loki countered, "I had other far more important and relevant classes to worry about. And I could only listen to 'I am Groot' so many times before my sanity was threatened."

"How is learning to speak to other beings not relevant?"

Loki turned to face her fully. He tried to give her an incredulous look, but the upward turn of his lips betrayed him.

"When am I ever going to come into contact with a flora colossus?" he asked, "They're nearly extinct."

"You never know," Amora said with a shrug, "You might."

The smile on Loki's face grew into a huge smirk and he simply said, "I am Groot."

Amora brought her hand to her chest and gave a dramatic gasp. "Frigga would be ashamed if she heard you use that kind of language."

The mischievous look on Loki's face flickered and he glanced away. "Well, that would change nothing," he said quietly.

The jovial air brought by the memories immediately disappeared as the two fell into silence. Amora watched Loki with a slight frown as he looked down at a picture of the Tesseract. But his tone and expression lacked the usual bitterness, only sorrow and guilt.

"Frigga is not ashamed of you, Loki," she said softly, "Disappointed—yes—but not ashamed. What you did broke her heart—it broke all of our hearts—but she still loves you."

Amora shrugged and gave a sad smile. "After all, the only people that get their hearts broken are the ones who love."

Loki looked back up at her; his green eyes piercing hers. "And you?"

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