xli. the obedient

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Okay! A few announcements:

Since Endgame is on its way, my goal is to have this book finished and the next one started by the movie's premiere!

Also, I have updated the intro and playlist pages of this book! Check it out!

I have also started updating/revising Enchanted. (Nothing crazy, just improving the writing)

Anyways, enjoy!


Sif was surprised when she found Amora. The sorceress was not collapsed in her chambers as Sif had found her the first time Loki had fallen.

She was working feverishly in the healing halls, treating the many that had been injured in the Dark Elves' siege. However, Sif caught sight of the head healer watching Amora carefully as she worked; another healer--Emelia, she thought--casted regular glances over at her, too.

In the days since Malekith's defeat, Thor and Odin had pondered over what to do with the Aether, now that it was in their possession.

"Amora," Sif called, and the sorceress offered a forced smile, "May I speak to you privately?"

The two found an unused healing room. Sif glanced about the hall before turning to Amora. "Thor and Odin have chosen to send the Aether to the Collector for safe keeping."

Amora's brow furrowed incredulously. "The Collector? Does Odin not think that the Aether can be of use here?"

"I am only telling you what I have been told," Sif said with a shrug, "Volstagg and I are to delivery later today. I came to ask if you would like to accompany us?"

After a beat, Amora went to speak, but she hesitated and glanced down at the floor. "Thank you, but I should stay here."

Sif tilted her head. "Are you certain? I thought you'd be interested in joining us, considering how involved you've been with the Stone."

"I am," Amora relented, "but Heimdall and I are closer to finding Lorelei. I should've leave now."

A surge of fire coursed through Sif's veins at the temptress's name. Lorelei was lucky that Sif was not close enough to drive a sword through her.

But she knew that Amora loved her sister, so Sif only nodded.

Amora offered a smile and started to move toward the door. "But I will come and see you off."

"Wait," Sif said quickly, hesitating as Amora turned to her with a questioning gaze.

"How are you doing, Amora," she asked, "truthfully?"

Amora sighed; she seemed to deflate as the breath left her. Her shoulders slumped and her head lowered.

"Not great," Amora whispered, her lips just barely turning up in a sad smile, "I loved him, Sif."

Without a word, Sif wrapped her arms around Amora and drew her close, ignoring the way that the smaller woman's fingers dug into her shoulders.

"I'm trying to be strong."

Sif shook her head. "You don't have to."

A ragged sob broke out of Amora, as if it were waiting for permission to leave. The next one was much more subdued. And the next was barely more than a hiccup.

As her cries calmed and shoulders trembled less, Amora slowly pulled away from Sif's embrace. She hastily wiped her cheeks and cleared her throat.

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