xxix. the fallen

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Amora stared in awe at the halls that Brunnhilde led her through. Everything was made of the finest gold and marble. Dining halls lined the hall, bustling with the fallen.

Her steps faltered as she passed one doorway, causing Rakel, the dark-skinned guard, to nearly run into her.

"That's Bor," Amora breathed, staring at the father of Odin jovially laughing. The Valkyrie's frustration dissipated into mild amusement at her wonder.

Reaching an empty balcony overlooking an endless night sky, Brunnhilde moved to a neaby chair. "When I came here in such a weak state," she said as she slowly lowered herself into the seat, "it was obvious that a part of me was...missing. My strength was gone."

"Now we know where," she said, nodding to the necklace on Amora's chest.

Amora touched the stone, a heavy guilt falling on her shoulders. "I'm sorry for your state. You may take it back," she said, quickly taking the necklace off and holding it out.

A flash of want passed over Brunnhilde's weary face, but it vanished. She shook her head and waved off the offer. "It is impossible. The spell on that soul-keeper is far too strong. You lack to knowledge."

Amora lowered her hand and hesitantly returned to necklace to her neck.

"Where did you find that necklace?" Brunnhilde asked, eyeing the stone.

"She probably conjured it herself," Inga muttered.

"No," Brunnhilde spoke firmly, "We fell long before she was born. And in touching that stone, I have seen what it has seen. This woman, Amora, speaks the truth."

All eyes then fell on Amora expectantly. She swallowed; the truth would not help her look innocent.

"I...stole it," she said before rushing, "but I did not know that it was a soul-keeper at the time."

"Why would you steal it then?" Inga asked in disbelief, "Did you think it was pretty?"

"I had been attacked and used it to defend myself," Amora said firmly, "It was found in Karnilla's treasure room."

"Karnilla?" Brunnhilde spat as the other Valkyries broke into sharp murmurs, "How could that witch have acquired an essence of my soul?"

As soon as the words left her mouth, the general's eyes darkened and the balcony fell silent. The air grew thick with a shared understanding, a shared loathing, and a shared sorrow.

"Hela," Rakel finally said lowly.

Inga nodded. "She and Karnilla were close allies. She probably gave it to her as a gift."

"Or as a favor," another Valkyrie added.

Amora frowned. "Who is Hela?"

The mood on the balcony soured even more. A fire burned in Brunnhilde's eyes as she spoke, "She was a bloodthirsty witch who wanted to wash the entire galaxy in blood. We pursued her all the way to Hel."

"But you killed her, right?" Amora asked.

Brunnhilde let out a humorless chuckle. "No, she slaughtered all of us." Her gaze flickered with an old sorrow. "Well...almost all of us."

Amora's mind raced at the new information. An old, powerful threat that might still be at large? A surviving Valkyrie?

She opened her mouth, but a sound akin to thunder boomed. The starry sky before them had become shrouded with dark clouds. Brunnhilde gripped Amora by the arm and started dragging her back toward the gates. "You need to leave."

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