xxxiii. the realistic

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I have a big announcement at the end of the chapter, so be sure to check it out!



"And then Thor said, 'Is that why everything's on fire'!"

An eruption of laughter boomed through the room at Fandral's story. The blond soldier grinned with a giggling woman under each arm.

Amora tried to hide her own laughter as she rolled her eyes. She viewed the table of friends before her over a ball of wild red curls. Flosi, one of Volstagg's many children, bounced in delight on Amora's knee as she threw her head back in uncontrollable laughter. Amora clambered to keep the small girl from falling off of her lap.

She looked over at Thor, who stood to the side in uncharacteristic silence, only offering the occasional chuckle. A twinge of guilt hit Amora as she watched her friend.

There was another. Another child of Odin.

Knowing the royal family's history with secrets, she could only dread what would happen if Thor found out that he had a sister. A sister that had become power-hungry and slaughtered Asgard's most elite force.

But how could she keep such a secret from one of her dearest friends?

A sharp gasp hit Amora's ears, startling her out of her thoughts. Flosi leaned forward as Frandral stood dramatically and said, "And then, I looked up at the foul beast that had knocked me to the ground--"

"And watched in awe as Volstagg the Valiant felled the marauder and saved his life," Volstagg interrupted, raising his goblet in the air.

Flosi burst out in high-pitched laughter and clapped her hands as Volstagg puffed out his chest and sent his daughter a wink.

Fandral, too, barked out a laugh that echoed from across the table. "Oh, please!" he scoffed, his words becoming increasingly slurred, "I did not need saving. And whoever chose to call you "the Valiant" was a complete fool. They should have chosen "Volstagg the..."

The blond warrior blinked and a small frown formed on his face.

"Voluminous," Amora offered.

"Thank you, Amora!" Fandral raised his drink. "Volstagg the Voluminous!"

"You're just jealous, my friend," The ginger warrior simply leaned back with a smirk and patted his stomach. "This extra layer of protection is needed to safeguard what is important."

Amora nodded. "Your internal organs."

"Oh, no." Volstagg shook his head. "The food. I must keep it safely stored."

"Oi." Fandral looked around, squinting through the fringe of hair that hung wildly over his eyes. "Where did Sif go?"

Amora's gazed traveled about the room but did not find the woman. "I don't know."

Carefully removing Flosi from her lap, Amora stood and left to find her friend. Fortunately, it was not a difficult feat; the sorceress spotted Sif leaning against a railing, watching the surrounding merriment. The female warrior watched with a soft smile that did not quite reach her eyes as they flitted down to the drink in her hands.

"We were wondering where you snuck off to," Amora called, drawing Sif's gaze up, "You missed Fandral's amazing account of the battle."

Sif chuckled. "It doesn't sound like I missed much."

Propping her arm against the rail, Amora eyed her friend. "Alright, what is wrong? You're distracted. Thor is distracted."

"I'm distracted because Thor is distracted." Sif said, furrowing her eyebrows slightly, and then asked softly, "Do you know that Thor goes to visit Heimdall every night that he is home? To ask about his mortal?"

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