where am i chapter 1

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"Sir get this patient to the operating room!" Someone shouts.
"Yes!" A deeper voice said.
Everything i saw was a blur. The voices seemed dull to me. I tried to open My eyes but I felt pain everywhere. I see someone put something in my arm as I look to my right and i see that my whole right arm was bloody. I look down and I see more blood. What the hell happened.
"Ma'am just relax we got you in good hands." A nurse says to me.
"Whuh...where am i?"
Someone puts a mask on me as I started to get more drowsy. All I remember was this man with a mask who had a scalp knife. Then all I saw was darkness.
"Wh- where am i?"
"Your in the hospital young lady?" I look down at my
body. My arm was all stitched up and my leg.
"What did you do to my leg!?"
"I'm sorry ma'am but it was too damaged and the surgeon had to amputated."
I started to shake as a tall man came in with a clip board.
"Are you...the doctor that did my surgery?"
"Yes ma'am. I am sorry about this I really am. The question is that how did this happen."
"I..i don't know..."
"Nurse keep an eye on her."
"Yes sir." The nurse came by me and checked my heart rate.
The doctor left the room.
"Who is he?"
"His name is doctor Stephen strange."
Stephen strange. Than name ringed in my head Stephen strange.

A/n: Hey hey hey this is a quick sneak peak of the new story as this is for my friend kittykat6556 I am gonna be writing more over the summer but I won't forget about this. Now hope you enjoyed this book.

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