this man got money chapter 5

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The next day i was released as Stephen helped me to the car. As I see his car it was very fancy (srry I don't know any fancy cars).
"This is your car."
In my head I was like holy shit but again I remember he's a doctor and doctors have lots of money.
As he helps me get in the car he starts the engine as we drive off.
"So um y/n I know your my patient but can you get and tell me a bit about yourself."
"I'll try to remember. I remeber a bit that I was out walking back from somewhere and the something struck me  and then it was it every thing now seems like a blur."

    ~Stephen's p.o.v~
"Oh god this bronze sniper must be very powerful this is bad. Shit this is bad."

As time goes by we arrive at his house.
In my head I was like holy shit he got money.
"Wow..." I say in amazement.
"As Stephen helps me to the house a bald man walks out.
"There you are Stephen!"
"Wong What the he'll are you doing here."
"We need you back at Stephen who is this."
"One of my patients will be staying here." Stephen says." I think she's a victim of bronze snipper."

Who?wait what?" I said.
"Um nothing just a comic me and my friend Mr.wong are working on."
"Oh...well ok then."
As we all walk in Stephen shows me to the room I will be sleeping in for the night.
"If you need anything just give a call."
I nod as Stephen walks out.
"Wonder who this bronze  man guy is."
I stagger around the room as I see that Stephen gets back in the car with Wong.
"What the hell?
       ~where Wong &Stephens are~

I know Wong you don't like when I have company over but she will lead to where maybe bronze sniper could be?" Stephen says.
"Yes but Stephen how."
"What do you want me to say magic I am still trying to out it together."

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