powers chapter 8

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"Where am I..." I said trying to see where i am."Stephen what's on me and why is it moving."
"Levii that's enough." The red cloak moved onto strange.
"That's alive what Stephen what the hell happened. What was with the strange glowing things around your hands?!"
"I am a sorcerer of time and reality my job is to protect life as we know it and as you can see our world might be at steak with what you have."
"Me what did I do?"
"Do you remember anything that happened."
"No all I know is that I felt like I was in a trapped room."
"I know exactly what it is." Wong says. " it is a effect to which her leg and to a nuclear effect to which there is radiation in your body. As its a mixture of vibranium as well so vibranium radiation. We can clear it out of your system but it will take time as Stephen you will have to have a careful watch on y/n."
" Yes y/n shall stay here tonight as we will do some test on her." Stephen says. "When this is all over we will erase her mind from all that she has seen." Stephen walks on but levii his clock pulls back and things onto you.
"Levii that's enough." Stephen says angrily.
"Stephen I think levii likes y/n. It seems he protects her."
"Fine let the cloak  stay with her." Stephen storms off.
"What's wrong with Stephen?"
"Difficult times for him now I shall show you your room."
       ~later on during the night~
"Levii leave y/n alone!" Stephen says entering the room. "Sorry about earlier so much is on my mind. Y/n said nothing.
"Why didn't you tell me you did this stuff."
" Its my job to help people and watch over the universe."
"What if..." I started to feel a mixture of feelings in my stomach."What if this never goes away and I'm a monster harming people as you will someday kill me."
"You will look at me like I was a person you could have saved but the worse got to me." I felt my face get all warm." What if..."
"Y/n!" Stephen puts his hand on the side of my face as I feel tears roll down my face.
"I...save many in my lifetime I swear on my life we will get over this."
I lay back but levii pushes me towards Stephen as he wrapped around me and Stephen's waste pulling us together. I could tell he was uncomfterble about this as I  was as well.
Stephen orders levii to get off if both of them as it goes on Stephen's shoulders. Stephen takes my hand as he leans closer. Our eyes meet for a second but then.
"Ok y/n We have got you the IV for tonight which will help from all the tense." Wong says.
Stephen pulls apart from me as he goes to the door.
"Well um... I'll see you tomorrow..."
"Yes...that when training will begin." Stephen says.

Guys I've had to take 2 weeks of summer religion and i wanted to die like it was a waste of me trying to get more stuff for this story. Also  I went on a huge rant with my parents on how if u r Christian and u need to do penance  (search it up if u don't know what it is) why do I have to confess my problems it's not like I'm Loki  as a snake and stabbed thor. I'm sorry if I affendes anyone it's just that I had no time for me to type.

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