one foot it the grave chapter 4

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                 ~the next day~
"I can't do it doctor." I said.
"Yes you can." Stephen says.
Stephen helps me try to walk with the prostedic leg.
"Just one more step and then your done."
I sit back on the bed again.
"Its impossible."
"No it's not you can do this."
"Oh really I can't even balance right."
"Look y/n I believe in you. I never tell anyone this but I can help you walk."
"Your a doctor your support to help."
"No i was like you once unable to movie my hands." Stephen takes off his gloves and I see his scars. "My hands where paralyzed but I found a way."
"And what's that."
"Magic like Harry potter magic that's fake."
Stephen closes the door.
"I'll show you." Stephen moves his arms around as a orange spark follows his path as a portal opens. Inside the portal was Wong singing.
The portal closes.
"Teach me doctor."
"I will leach you until you learn to never put your self in doubt."
I get up and stumble in pain to try and walk.
"See, and you said you wouldn't walk."
I walk back but then I tripped. Stephen runs towards me and catches me. Our eyes meet
"You ok." Stephen says. I feel my face get hot.
"Um..yeah." I stumble to the bed as he helps take to prostedic off.
As Stephen leaves I look back at the clip board that says my name. I look at when I'm supost to be release. Tomorrow it says. Crap I have no where to go.
Stephen comes back as I sit up in bed.
"Hey I'm doctor Stephen do you know where the nearest hotel is Cause tomorrow I'll be leaving."
Stephen looks back to me.
"Actually would you like to stay back where I am as you wanted to learn the magic I've shown you."
" Well if it's no problem having me around."
"Well tomorrow when I'm done with my shift I'll take you back where you may stay."
"Thank you doctor."
Stephen smiles at me as my face gets hot.
"Please call me Stephen." As Stephen closes the door behind him.

A/n that was good eh I spilled my drink cause of typing this but it it was a good book. I'm gonna start doing questions at the end of the book for you guys and also idk if u guys want to know about me but yeah. Ok question of the day favorite kind of ice cream I love black cherry.

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