Who I was chapter 2

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The next day after the surgery I keep looking at my leg. I am a cripple now. My whole arm is paralized. How can thhis be.
The nurse walks in.
"How are you doing y/n."
"Y/n that is your name right?" The nurse hands me a small card. It read.
Y/n L/n
Age (any age)
Gender (any gender cause it's 2018 people)
Birthday: (ur birthday)
It all came back to me.
"Yes that's my name."
"Now let me see you arm. Can you move your arm."
I tried but it hurt so much.
"No." i said in pain.
"I'll call the doctor to see what he could do and see if he can try to see what he can do to your leg." The nurse  leaves as a few seconds later the doctor came in.
"Hello y/n How are you."
"I'm in pain but still alive."
Strange takes my arm seeing my stitches.
"It will heal in about a week." He says.
"What about my leg?"
"We are working in a prostedic for you." Strange looks at my leg."may I look."
I nod.
Stephen unwrapped my bandages as he looks at the wound.
"I'll have to clean it. It will sting a bit."
"Oh god this should be fun."
Stephen laughs. "Don't worry I'll be gentle."
As Stephen washes my wound I try to hold back the pain.
"So do you remember anything how this happen?"
"Not at all." Stephen moves his hand as I flinch back as I make it worse.
"I'm sorry doctor I."
"It's quite alright , I think that will do."
Stephen wraps a clean bandage around.
Stephen was about to leave.
"Stephen wait!"
Stephen turns around.
"Thank you for helping me."
"Anytime y/n." Stephen says smiling.

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