short examination chapter 6

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(Srry love this little comic)
As it became later in the evening Stephen came back as I was still in my room watching tv.
"Sorry I was gone i...had to take care of medical things."
"Its quiet alright stephen."
"I wanted to show you something."
Stephen  brings out this black suitcase which looked strange. When he opened it I couldn't believe what I saw a new prosthetic

"Someone I know got this custom made to fit your leg it will make you feel like you never list your leg

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"Someone I know got this custom made to fit your leg it will make you feel like you never list your leg. It's water proof and all."
"It's beautiful what's it made out of?"
"Vibranium is the innor skeleton of the leg as the outside it a special transition of when you put this on it will look like you have your leg back."
"Whwnee was this from?"
Stephen didn't say anything.
"Your not support to say this to anyone as this Is too security."
I nod.
"A place called wakanda. Your leg is very valuable there are only 3 things in this world that are made out of vibranium."
(Me~ wakanda forever Srry)
I froze for a second. Wakanda why did that seem familiar.
"Y/n Are you alright?"
"They done this to me!" I said.
"Who done this to you?" Stephen says.
"I don't know it's all coming back! These men tourchering me they took something from me I can't remember what." I felt hot tears roll down the side of my face.
"Don't cry y/n Its ok your safe now, maybe it was your imagination." Stephen says getting some tissues and handing them to me.
"Yeah....maybe Your right."
"Now let me take you out for dinner." Stephen says.
Was this a date he was offering me. Probably was but I didn't know it.

A/n guys srry haven't been updating I realized I have a summer assignment for my ela class yay😑😑 don't worry I'm gonna be posting also question of the day if you could be anyone in marvel who would u be?

I'd probably be Loki , Bucky, or vision cause I love then all.

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