chapter xvi.
"Babe get up." I'm shaken awake as I hear Deans voice.
"What?" I groan.
"Come 'ere." He says.
I get up, and he leads me into the living room, "Shh.." He says. I peek over and see Sam and Amber laying on the couch together, laughing at whatever is on the tv.
Dean smirks, "Hiya Sammy!" He calls, causing Sam to jump.
"Sammy, you're such a wuss. It's just Dean." Amber laughs.
"Hey!" Dean shouts.
We all shoot out heads towards him, "Only I can call him that!"
"Haha, nope!"
We all chuckle, "CAN YOU GUYS SHUT. THE. HELL. UP?!" We hear from the other room.
"Emily what's wrong? Is it that time if the month again?" I joke.
"...MAYBE!" She shouts.
"TMI DUDE! T-M-I!" Dean says.
"YOU DIDN'T ASK!" Amber shouts.
Bobby walks in, "Can you quiet down, you idjits?" He asks.
"Sorry Bobby." I giggle.
We all snicker to ourselves, "Anyways, Sammy, you and I need to take a trip to Nebraska." Dean says as he wraps his arms around my waist.
"Why?" Sam asks.
"There's a voice mail from some girl named Ellen on dads phone. Figured we should check it out." He shrugs.
Sam sighs, "Okay. When do we go?" He asks.
"Half hour or so. I wanna get there as soon as possible—" He's cut off.
"Can I go?" Asks a voice from behind us. We see Emily.
"Huh?" Dean says.
"I said, can I go? I haven't been on a major hunt and I figured I could go with you guys." She explains.
"But aren't you on your—"
"Yes, but I still would like to go."
Dean turns to me, almost asking permission.
"Sure, one of our last hunts she was sick and we took Amber so sure." I say.
"Does this mean I don't have to go?" Amber asks.
"Yeah, why?" Dean asks. "I don't feel like going." She shrugs.
"Me neither, honestly." I admit.
"Alright. So it's me, Sammy and Emily." Dean says.
I do a jazz hands movement when they decide I can go, I'm so excited! Last time I was supposed to go on a proper hunt I was sick, like they said. Stupid flu...
Anyways, I begin packing what they tell me too, and soon I'm hugging the girls goodbye and getting in the back seat of a big ol' van due to Baby still being wrecked.

All I Want ─ Dean Winchester
Fanfic•She wanted her Prince Charming, but he was scared of love• Started: January 21, 2018 Ended: ...? ((Season 1-)) ©WholesomeHolland 2018 All Rights Reserved DEAN WINCHESTER X FEM!OC SUPERNATURAL AU Cover by @elenafishers_