i wish i could

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I wish i could be more confident

You say that confidence and pride

Is a thing that we get

But you don't feel what i do

The fear in my bones when

I realize 

That i'm not enough for you 

I'm not enough even for me

How could i be for you ?

Everyday I go to bed and

Wake up with hope


You give me strength 

You make me feel good

But reality always hit me 

Without mercy

And, love, there is nothing

You can do

It is part of me, and i have 

to deal alone with it

That's why i always lie to you

Push you away

I don't want to show you that

i'm weak, that i feel bad

that i'm useless 

I love you, i really do

More than everything

And it hurts me to know 

That i'll never change 

I'll never feel 

Good for you 

That's  the true 

And we can't runaway 

from what we can't hide 


Oi meninexs, turupom? Fiz esse quando eu estava no meio de uma crise de baixa auto estima, e sim está em inglês, não sei por que mas sinto que ta tudo errado ! Porém espero que gostem, beijos e abraços :)

Tédio, Insônia e IdeiasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora