Chapter 8

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It's been a month since Harry was hurt and everything has been pretty normal in the house. I recorded my first ever song and sent it off to Simon.

Only Harry and I are home tonight. We are having a romantic picnic by the pool. I made fettuccini carbonara and pudding for desert. I set out a little picnic blanket with flowers and candles and a bottle of our favorite wine.

"Soo Abby. We haven't really had time to sit down and really talk about ourselves with all this hectic shit happening to us. So lets play 21 question, you up for it?" Says Harry, leaning back on his forearms.

I take a forkful of pasta and put it in my mouth, nodding that I was up for playing.

"Okay I'll go first. What's your favorite colour?" He asks

"Ummm bright pink and turquoise. What''s your favorite colour?"

"Orange and blue." He smiles, "where were you born?"

"Doncaster. What's your favorite food?" I reply.

"Sweetcorn and Tacos. Have you ever you know... done it..?" He blushs.

I move closer to him. "No... never really found anyone a truely like until now." I say kissing him. "What. About. You?" I kiss against his lips.

"Yeah. Once or twice." He says pulling away.

"Mmm experienced." I straddle his waist and kiss his neck. He moans.

"Ugh maybe we should.... ummm. Ah... take this inside." He moans.

He picks me up kissing me hard pushing me against the wall. I hit the up botton on the elevator. The doors open and we get in kissing hard. My hands in his hair and his hand in my shirt.

The elevator stopped at our level and we run inside. I shut the door behind us, pushing Harry against it slowly undoing his shirt. Throwing it on the floor. He pulls my top over my head throwing it as we make our way up to our room. I undo his belt. He picks me up walking fast to the bedroom and drops me on the bed. He slides my pants off so I'm just in my bra and underwear.

He's standing over me in his underwear. I stare at him soo gorgeous. I pull him on top of me. He grinds against me moaning against my neck.

"Please don't hurt me..." I whisper.

"Oh baby.. I'm going to do everything but hurt you."

______________ hour later _____________

Wow... I lay naked cuddling Harry. My head against his chest. Sweating and panting. He's rubbing circles on my lower back as I play with his hair. That was the best night of my entire life. I've never experienced pleasure like it.

"Want to shower, baby?" Harry asks.

"Only if you come too."

At those words he jumped up running into our bathroom turning on the shower. I run in after him. Kissing him passionately. To be take once again into complete pleasure


I walk out of the bathroom in my robe to find Louis, Liam and Zayn standing at the end of our bed eaching a piece of our clothing. Shit!

"Hey babe whats- " Harry stops mid sentence at the sight of the other boys, "oh ahh. Hi lads"

"Well now that's confirmed for us boys I'm leaving before I puke." Louis gets up and walks away.

I burst out laughing and look at Harry and he starts to laugh too.

"Whoops..." I giggle.

I get dress and walk down stairs. All eyes were on me. Niall looked away in a kind of disgusted way and my heart sank. I notice there are two girls in the lounge room I've never seen before. I enter the lounge room.

"Abby this is my girlfriend Eleanor and this is Liams girlfriend Danielle. Ladies this is Abigail my cousin or Abby for short." They stand up and give me a hug

"Nice to meet you girls."

"Lovely to finally get to meet some of Louis family!" Eleanor say glaring at Lou. Louis squealed and hid behind Zayn. Who pushed him away.

"So you and Harry huh? About time that kid found a nice girl!" Said Danielle.

I laugh looking over at Niall who was scowling out the window. Next minute Harry comes running into the room.

"Oh hey Ladies." He says in surprise. Giving each of them a kiss on the cheek before plonking into the couch. I sit next to him. Everyone staring at us. Except Niall.

"Well this is slightly awkward.." Harry states.

"Maybe next time don't leave your clothes lying around so everyone can see and it wont be awkward as no one will know you are rooting. Seriously have respect you are sharing a house with other people for fuck sakes." Spits Niall before standing up and walking away. Next thing I know, I'm laugh. A full blown fit of laughter. He turns around and glares at me. Everyone looks at me.

"Think you're the one that needs to learn respect mate, before you lecture me about respect." I laugh. Everyones mouth drop.

"Yeah well. At least I'm not attention seeking like you."

I stand there in disbelief. Trying to register what he just said. Tear spring to my eyes, I can feel the heat rush to my face from anger. Nialls face softens at the realization of what he has just done. Harry jumps up from the couch prickled with anger. I stand it front of him.

"Harry no. Forget him. He's not worth our time or breath. " I say pushing against him to stop him form trying to get to Niall.

"I think it's time for us to go to bed. Come on Liam." Says Danielle standing up and grabbing Laims hand. They all nod and standing up walking off to their rooms.

Niall still standing there tries to walk over to me but I move away and stand behind Harry.

"Abby I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean it. Please Abby!" He says desperately.

"No. Save it Horan. You've done it now. Never thought jealousy would do this to you." Harry says pushing past him with me following close behind.

Whatever you do, dont fall in love with any of my friends (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now