Chapter 9

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_____________3 weeks later____________

Danielle, Eleanor and I have become great friends. We have been hanging out a great deal over the past few weeks. I can tell them about everything. I honestly don't dont know what I'd do without them. I would surely be driven mad by the amount of testosterone in this house. Harry and Niall are still not talking. I'm trying to put what happened behind me and forgive and forget. I have to live with him, cook and clean with and for him and he is my cousins mate, so I may as well be somewhat civil with him. Harry can't get over it no matter how bad I try to get him to forget it.

"The boys are driving me up the walls!!" I sigh. I take a sip of my vanilla milkshake, "Harry is still not talking to Niall. Everytime they are in the same room the tension is soo thick I could slice it with a damn knife. AND Louis is driving me insane with leaving paper in ALL his pant pockets and it goes through all the washing. Then I have to re-wash every piece of clothing and the little bastard does it on perpose too. Last time I checked his pockets, he had a note that read 'nearly got you again lil Tommo' "

Eleanor laughs.

"Trust me girl. If I was living there I'd go nuts too. They're Cray!" She says.

"I'm so glad I met you girls!!" I take another sip of my milkshake.

"Soo..." Danielle wiggles her eyebrows, "you and Harry have been in your room... alone.. a lot... with the door shut..." she winks.

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I fan myself with the menu.

"I'm hot! Are you girls hot?" I say.

"What's he like!?! Is he good!?!" Eleanor presses. I choke on my milkshake.

"Is he what!?" I say coughing.

"You know. How is he in bed?" She giggles.

"Ummm... good... like real good. Not that I have much to compare to, but I dont think it can get much better than this." I blush.

They "oooo". I throw a napkin at them.

"We thought it'd be good with the amount of time you're in there!" Danielle winks, "speaking of the devil. Here are the boys now."

Harry slides in beside me in the booth. Gives me a kiss on the cheek. Danielle and Eleanor are staring at us pulling weird faces. I look at them disapprovingly, mouthing at them to stop. They giggle.

"What's so funny my beautiful girl," Louis asks Eleanor as he sits down.

"Oh, A was just telling us how good Harry is." She winks at me and Louis's face drops. "At singing Lou!!! What did you think we were talking about!!"

Everyone starts laughing. I turn bright red and sink into the corner of the booth. I cool down.

"Im gonna get some fries... do you want some babe?" Says Harry standing and shuffling out.

"Ill just share yours." I smile.

As he walks away I start to get horrible cramps in the stomach. I try to breath it out, I hadn't eaten since breakfast. I just need food. Harry come back with the fries and sits down. I nearly vomit at the sight of food and smell of the food.

"Abby... are you okay?" He says, observing me.

"No, I'm gonna be sick!" I say pushing past the boys and sprinting to the toilets. It must have been the yogurt I had this morning or I've caught a stomach bug from bowling with the girls. I hear the bathroom door open.

"Abs?.." I hear Harry knock on my cubicle door. "Abs... let me in.."

What is he doing in the girls bathroom? I wipe my face with toilet paper, put it in the toilet and flush. I'm covered in sweat and my tummy muscles are burning from vomiting so much. I unlatch the door and slump against the toilet. Harry rushs in and wipes the hair that is plastered to my face from sweat out of my eyes.

"Aww baby. You look so sick. Let me take you home." He picks me up off the floor and sits me on the bench and wets a paper towel and wipes my sweaty face.

"I just want to go home.." I sob into his shoulder.

I walk out of the bathroom with his arm around my waist holding me steady. My hands and legs are shakey.

"We'll see you boys at home." Harry calls out. I lay across the back seat of the car as Harry drives back to the flat. The cramps in my stomach start to increase again. I start taking deep breaths.

"You right, hun?" He says looking back at me.

"Im fine, just drive. Think I have a tummy bug." I moan.

We pull into the driveway, I sprint out if the car into the garden once again throwing my guts up. Harry parks the car and comes running over. Holding back my hair and rubbing my back. I try to push Harry away, not wanting him to see me this way. He frowns at me.

"Abby stop pushing me away! I want to be with you. You're my girlfriend and its my job to look after you."

"I dont want you to see me like this." I choke.

"Abby, I seriously do not care. One day you could be doing this for me... come on, hunny, lets get you into a nice warm bath then into bed." He says helping me up. Walking up the stairs takes an enormous amount of energy. I slump against Harry.

"I'm sorry. I'm so tired." I sigh.

Harry picks me up and carries me up to our bathroom and runs me a bath. He hops in the enormous bath with me. He sits behind me, washing my hair and massaging my shoulders. The warm water sooths my aching bones. I hope this illness goes away soon.

Whatever you do, dont fall in love with any of my friends (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now