Chapter 1

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'Mum I'm going to be fine! Im 18 now I can take care of myself plus Lou is there to take care of me! We have to go!"
"I know honey. Your father and I just worry. Have the best time sweetheart remember to call!! I love you!!!" Mum yells as we drive out of the driveway.
"I love you too!" I wave goodbye.

I'm Abigail Tomlinson. I'm 18 years old and I'm moving in with my cousin Louis Tomlinson and the rest of his boy band one direction. While I'm on my break from completing my medical degree im going to be cooking, cleaning and looking after the boys since they are recording their new album.

"Now Abs we have some rules. Number one, you have to help around the house. Number two, dont talk to the media unless we are with you and we have spoken to you about what to say. Number three, dont fall in love with any of the boys."

"Yes sir." I salute at him.

I rest my head against the window and watch the blur of houses fly past. The apartment isnt too far away, about an hour from my parents house. Its not long before I fall asleep and we are at the apartment in no time.

We unpack all my bags and boxes and walk up to the apartment door. We walk in and all the lights are off and its dead quiet.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Lou yells, "they must have gone out."

"WELCOME HOME!!" they all jump out screaming.

I trip over screaming.

"Are you okay love?" A curly hair, green eyed boy walks up giving me a hand.

"Apart from the mini heart attack you lot just gave me I'm okay." I take his hand.

"I'm Harry, you must be Abigail, Lou talks about you all the time." He says shaking my hand.

"I'm zayn" says a boy with dark hair a tattooed arm.

"I'm Niall." Says the blonde boy with Irish one giving me a hug and kissing me cheek. I blush. I look over to see Louis giving Niall an evil eye. Harry then ran over and tackled Louis over the couch.

"I'm liam" says the last boy shaking my hand.

"Does this normally happen?" I ask.

"Normally, it's worse." Zayn smiles.

"So, um, where's my room?"

"You'll be bunking with Harold, " says Liam, "wanna help her with her bags Horan?"

"It'd be my pleasure!" He bounces over and picks up my bags, leading me up the flight of stairs to my new room. Inside there was a double bed and a single. I go and throw my guitar and pillows on the single bed.

"So you play?"

"I guess." I giggle.

" You have to play for us!!" He yells.

"Noooooo... no, nope, nup, no."

He grabs my guitar of the bed and drags me down stairs. "ABS IS GONNA PLAY FOR US BOYS! GATHER AROUND LADS!"

He hands me the guitar. I sit down on one of the bar stools and look around.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Winks Harry.

I start strumming the guitar. Losing myself in the music. 

" You call me out upon the waters

The great unknown where feet may fail

And there I find You in the mystery

In oceans deep

My faith will stand

And I will call upon Your name

And keep my eyes above the waves

When oceans rise

My soul will rest in Your embrace

For I am Yours and You are mine,

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders

Let me walk upon the waters

Wherever You would call me

Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander

And my faith will be made stronger

In the presence of my Savior

I will call upon Your name

Keep my eyes above the waves

My soul will rest in Your embrace

I am Yours and You are mine"


"I mean I can hold a tune and play guitar. But you guys are the true talent." I giggle.

"No, sweetheart, you are truly a natural!" Says Harry.

"It's late I think I might hit they Hay. " I say packing away my guitar.  Harry stands up.

"Me too lads. Goodnight!"

I walk up the stairs begind Harry. Harry takes his shirt off as he walks in, revealing a well toned back and torso. I stop and stare in the door way for a little too long. He's kind of beautiful.

"Just gonna stand there all night or are you gonna come in?" He winks.

"Sorry." I say walking into the room shutting the door behind me. I pull back the blankets on my bed and grab out my favourite pair of PJ's. I take off my shirt putting on my tank top and rip off my jeans and get into my PJ shorts.

"Mmm what a show. That was kinda hot!" Harry whistles. I pick up a pillow and throw it at his face. "Feisty."

I get into bed and Harry turns off the light. It doesnt take me long until I fall into a deep sleep.

Whatever you do, dont fall in love with any of my friends (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now