Chapter 10

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Well the sickness didnt go away. Its been 4 days and certain smells and looking at certain foods set me off. Harry and the boys have gone to the studio today so I'm home alone. It took a lot of persuasion to get Harry to leave. As much as I love the boys caring and being there for me, I'm sooo glad I can finally do somethings on my own. Now the boys have gone and theres no one around to tell me what to do, I'm going to clean Harry's bathroom and do the Laundry since none of the boys appear to know how to.

I've made a huge mess in the bathroom over the past few days, leaving my stuff eveywhere and Harry throwing stuff all over the floor, so it is in desperate need of a clean and Harry can't do it because he's so busy and so stressed.

I walk into the bathroom and I'm shocked at the pigsty that lays before me. I begin to clean the toilet and shower. I scrub the bath and sink and pick up all the dirty washing and towels off the floor that Harry has thrown there, putting them into the laundry basket and take it down stairs to the laundry. I vacuum and mop the floors and clean the benches. Finally I'm finished the bathroom.

Now the bathroom is done its time to start a load of washing. I scramble through all the boys rooms and pick up all their dirty clothes. I take it down to the laundry and sort them into piles. I put all the towels in first. While I wait I go sit down at the dinning table with a small bowl of cereal. I'm soo hungry. I get half way through the bowl and I start feel sick again. I sprint to the toilet again.

After I finish emptying my stomach, I go into the medicine cabinet to get some painkillers. I push past everything to find what I'm looking for when tampons and condoms fall out onto the floor...

I pick up the tampons. I haven't had my period.... When was the last time I got my period...? It cant seriously have been due 2 and a half weeks ago. We used condoms didn't we? Did we? Oh my god this can not be happening!! No. I run down stairs and grab the keys to the car and drive to the nearest pharmacy. What am I going to do!!? How will I tell Harry? How the hell will I tell Louis!? He is going to kill me!! How the hell did we forget to use protection!? I walk in and grab 3 pregnancy tests just in case. I pay the cashier and run back to the car and dial Eleanor and Danielle's numbers in a group call.


Eleanor answers. "Hey babe what's up?"

"Just wait for Danielle. I need your help!"

"Hey Abs whats doing, girl?" Danielle beems.

"Guys. I need your help. I just really don't know what to do. I think I'm pregnant..." there was a long silence at the other end of the phone.

"Shit, Abby, did you two not use protection?" Eleanor says.

"Well, we did but the first time it was in the moment and we didnt even think of it. Not until now!" I cry, "I got tests. I'm heading home now. Can you please meet me there? Harry doesn't know so please don't say anything!'

"Of course we can! You and Harry would make gorgeous babies by the way!!" Danielle says.

"We'll be there as soon as we can." Eleanor says.

I get home and start pacing up and down the hallway until I hear the girls come through the front door.

"OMG Abby! Have you taken them yet?" Says Danielle.

"No I was waiting for you guys!"

"Well come on then lets go see." She says linking her arm in mine.

I pace the bedroom waiting for the tests to give us the results. The girls are sitting on the bed watching as I walk up and down the room.

"Don't stress Abs, Harry and you will be awesome parents. And don't stress about telling him babe, he's a good man.. he won't be mad. And if he is then tell him that it takes two to tango!" Eleanor says.

Suddenly I hear the front door open. The boys!

"Yous need to go distract them!! They can't come up here! I don't need them all to know!" I cry.

They stand up and run down stairs to stop the boys from coming into my room. Still need 2 more minutes until we get results. I continue to walk backwards and forwards trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do if this comes back positive!

It's the moment of truth...


I burst into tears sliding down the wall looking at the test just as Harry bursts into the room. He stands there dead still, staring.

"I-is that a-a pregnancy test..?" He stutters.

I nod and more tears stream down my face. I can't stop them from flowing down my cheeks. Harry runs over and kneels down beside me. He takes the tests from my hands observing the results and gives me a hug.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it! Are you mad at me?" I sob into the crook of his neck.

"Baby, why would I be mad at you? This isn't your fault. It's going to be okay! I promise you, okay?" He says stroking my hair.

"What are we going to do H? You guys go on tour in a few months and I may possibly be going to depending on that recording session.."

"It's okay baby, we can make this work. I'm not going to leave you alone. So this is why you've been sick..?" He says, "how'd you know?"

"I was cleaning and got sick again and went to get painkillers from the top cabinet and my tampons and your condoms fell out and then it got me thinking of when my period was due... 2 and a half weeks ago it was due... we forgot to use protection the night of the picnic H." I start to cry more.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. We were in the moment I didn't even think about it." He kisses my forehead. He puts his hand on my belly. "Hello in there little guy!"

I giggle.

"We will have to make an appointment to see how far along you are and make sure everything's alright with the little bubba." He says.

"Harry... how are we going to tell everyone?... your fans, they arent going to be happy with me, they'll kill me!" I sob.

"It's okay baby, we will tell them, what happens will happen and we will deal with it when it does. The fans will just have to get over it because I'm with the love of my life and you make me so happy and if that doesn't make them happy then, well, they aren't true fans."

"What about Lou.... he's going to kill us H.."

"Why am I killing you?" Louis says standing at the door. He looks down at the pregnancy tests Harry put on the floor earlier.

"I'm sorry Abby, I couldn't keep him away.." Eleanor says standing beside him.

Next minute all the boys barge into the room. Staring at the tests that lay on the floor beside Harry and I.

"Is that a pregnancy test?" Niall says.

"Abby. Are you pregnant?" Louis glares at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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