Chapter 6

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During the night I wake up to myself crying. Harry wasnt there. I look at my clock 10:18pm I yawn. Mid yawn I hear yelling. I get up out of bed walking slowly to the noise. Every steps a major effort. I see Harry yelling at Niall. I walk in. Then Harry punches him. I run in and stand between them.

"What are you doing?" I look at Harry. Harry looks at me and his face softens.

"Nothing Abby. Lets go back to bed come on." he says.

I look down at Niall as he spits out blood. Harrys arm snakes around my waist. He stops me mid way down the hallway.

"You havent been eating properly have you?" he says.

"What makes you think that?" I say. His hand lifts up my top revealing my hip bone and ribs.

"Abby you cant just not eat it isn't healthy." he says picking me up like a small child. He carries me down to the kitchen and sits me on the bench.

"Im not hungry Harry." I say

"No Abigail! You're not leaving until you eat."

He hands me a sandwich and two brownies.

"Please Harry I dont want to." I beg.

"Abby, I'm not watching you starve yourself to death." he says.

He looks sad and hurt. I take a mouthful of my sandwich. I finish the sandwich and my brownies.

"Good girl." he says giving me a kiss. I smile.

"I miss those kisses." I pout. He kisses my bottom lip and carries me bridal style upstairs.

"Abby?" he asked


"Why are you doing this to yourself. Why are you not eating and why are you not talking to anyone?"

"I am talking?" I say

"You weren't. Why?"

"When naill kissed me I didnt stop him Harry. After I realised what I did and then I remembered what it felt like when I was cheated on. I felt like I was just as low as everyone else who made me feel bad. then all of a sudden everything came back. Like a ton of bicks falling on top of me. Images of them abusing me. It hurt every little detail of my past came back. I felt like I need the pain and suffering. " I say.

"Wow." he says

"can we not talk about it?" I ask

"Wait. Did you harm yourself?"

"No I didn't." I sigh.

He pulls me into a big bear hug. I rest my head in the crook of his neck. The smell of his cologne fills my nostrils. The smells make me feel safe. I feel like Harry is the only one who I can truly open up to and be myself around. He grabs my guitar and hands it to me.

"Play me something?"

"Ugh no harry I dont feel like it." I say putting the guitar down and push him onto the bed.

I crawl up next to him and snuggle into his warmth. His hand rests up my shirt on my lower back lightly tickling my back. He starts singing softly in my ear. I drift off to sleep.

I wake up the next morning before Harry. I struggle out of his grip and go out to the kitchen and cook him blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and a cup of tea. I set the table for two and go to wake him up. I turn around running into a tall figure. "Good morning, beautiful." he says.

"Morning. You have a big day so I thought I would make you a good breakfast." I say

"You have a big day too. You're coming to the studio with us. " he says

Whatever you do, dont fall in love with any of my friends (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now