Chapter 3

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I wake up again around 2pm. Harry isnt in the room anymore. I get up and grab some clothes and walk out to the bathroom. I shut the door and turn on the shower. I wash my hair and shave my legs.  I get dressed and walk out. The boys arent here. They must be at the studio. This would be a perfect time to do washing and cleaning for the boys. So I went into each of the boys rooms and got their dirty laundry off the floor, taking it down to the laundry room.  Once I put the washing on I cleaned the house. By the time I finished it was 4:30pm the boys will be home in about half an hour. I walk into the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I was just finished making my sandwich before the boys came piling inside making noise. Harry walks up to me givesme a kiss on the forehead. I take a bit of my sandwich.

"Good afternoon beautiful. " He says leaning down and also taking a bite of my sandwich.


"Yes I did." I say

"Thank you so much, love." He says kissing my forehead.

"It's okay."

I take another bite of my sandwich before Niall came up and took the other half. I shake my head at him.

"Waat?" he mumbles with a mouth full of sandwich, "you make a fabulous sandwich."

I laugh, "I know, and it was mine". I look over at Harry and walk over to him.

"You know Louis is never gonna let us go out together?" I laugh.

"Yeah he will." He winks

He pulls me into a bear hug. I wrap my arms around is perfectly toned torso. Man does this boy make me drool. I think I have feelings for him. Louis' voice plays over in my head 'Dont fall in love with any of them. '

"Whats up? " He says holding my shoulders. His green eyes observing me intently.

"Nothing. Just thinking about something." I say meeting his gaze.

"What were you think about? " He whispers sexily into my ear. His breath tickles my ear, I giggle.


"What about me?" He pulls me into the corner of the room were no one could see us. He kisses my neck.

"Well I uhm..." I stutter trying not to focus on his soft lips that are connected to the side of my neck, "I was thinking about Lou telling me not to like any of you boys in the way im feeling towards you."

"The way you feel toward me?" He chuckles.

"Yeah. I kinda like you even though it's only been a day." I look at the floor.

"I know the feeling." he says connecting his lips to mine. I stand like this for a few minutes.

"What are you guys doing...." We hear a whisper.

We immediately stop. Looking at who the voice came from. Zayn was standing there, behind Harry.

"Zayn you cant say anything. Louis will kill Harry and I." I say.

"I wont. But these pictures are gold." He says holding his phone.

I look at harry.

"Delete them." I demand.

"Why?" He argues.

"Because I said." I say.

"Oh whatever ever your no fun." He says.

"Yeah whatever." I say walking past him.

I sit in Harry's bed for about 1 hour before Harry walked in.

"You better get ready Abs."

"Oh crap" I say getting out a little black dress. I put it on and run into the bathroom and apply a small amount of make up before walking out and putting my silver heels on.

"Holy crap." Says Harry.

"What?" I laugh.

"Way to stunning." He laughs hugging me. He snakes his hands around my waist, i push them away walking to the door. He grabs my hand and tugs me out the bedroom.

"We are going out to dinner." Says Harry getting the keys.

"I dont think so." Lou said.

"It's just dinner Lou. Nothing will happen I promise. You're the only man I need in my life." I said kissing his cheek before walking out with Harry.

Harry took me to a quiet little pizzaria within walking distance of the flats.

"You look stunning. " He says grabbing my hand.

"And you look handsome." I say observing his suit. I look at our entwined hands and smile. I hear him chuckle.

"What?" I say

"Nothing. " He smiles.

"I'm sure it was nothing."

"You're just so perfect." He smiles.

After we eat. We walk hand in hand down the street to this little ice cream place. When we enter the parla two of the girls started freaking out.

"Oh damn they are here." He sighs. He puts his arm around my shoulder. My eyes start to blur and my head starts to spin. I feel like passing out. I stumble into Harry and grab his arm.

"Can we sit down please?" I ask

"Abby whats wrong?" He says rushing me to a seat. "Abby whats wrong!"

"I don't know please call Louis." I say before the whole room starts spinning and I lose consciousness. I wake up in Lou's arms in the car. Harry is driving and Louis is stroking my hair.

"Lou." I manage I say.

"Oh my gosh love. What's happening? we are taking you to the hospital." He says kissing my head.

"Oh ok." I say closing my eyes

"Abigail Tomlinson. This is doctor Simpson can you hear me?" I hear a male voice ask. I feel a mask over my face and try to take it off.

"Where am I?" I mumble.

"You're in the hospital. You have had an allergic reaction to something you ate." He says.

"Oh? Where's Harry and Lou?" I ask

"Ill go get them." He says.

A few minutes later Harry and Louis burst threw the doors.

"How are you?" Asks Harry

"I feel like I could run a mile."

"I'm sorry. I made you sick with the pizza" he sighs.

"It's not your fault. " I grab his hand. Louis gave me the evil eye.

"When can I get out of this joint?" I ask.

"Was that an Aussie accent I heard?" Harry and Louis laughed.

"It's not my fault I spent most my life in Australia."

"I thought it was a Aussie accent I heard mixed in there" Harry said.

I was discharged from hospital that morning. When I got home I got made to stay in bed while the boys waited on me giving me food and drinks and singing. Harry finally came in, shutting the door  and sat on the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine actually. " I say.

"Thats good then." He smiles.

"Thank you, Harry, for looking out for me. It means a lot." I say.

"You're welcome sweetheart!"

Whatever you do, dont fall in love with any of my friends (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now