Chapter 2

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I groan and roll over to see 4 pairs of eyes on me. I put the pillow over my head.

"Why are you guys in here? Staring at me?" I rub my eyes.

"You were screaming... having a bad dream we all just came in to see what was up? To make sure you were okay?" Harry said sitting on the edge of my bed bed.

No, no im fine. I dont even remember what it was about." I lied. They dont know about my past and they don't have to know.

"Okay." They all say, leaving the room. Harry stays. Sitting on the bed staring at me. His green eyes reading me like an open book. 

"I know you're lying Ab." He says.

"I'm really not." I protest.

"You know you can tell me anything love."

"What if I dont want to. Harry you won't even like me anymore if you ever knew what happened." I sigh kicking off the duvet. I walk out the room and down to Louis. I was on the verge of tears. I burst threw the doors shutting them behind me.

"What's wrong love?" Lou says jumping up.

"The boys were there and I had a nightmare and Harry asked what was wrong. I cant tell them Lou!" I cry.

"I will tell them if you want love? They will understand trust me, the boys arent the kind to judge." He says hugging me.

"IF you dont mind. Dont tell them about everything though Lou, they don't need to know everything." I say.

" I wont love. I promise." He says.

I run off up to Harry's room. He was still sitting there. He looks up at me.

"Hey im sorry for making you sad." He says.

"I need to harden up." I say sitting next to him. he sides his arm around my waist and pulls into a hug. I snuggle into the hug. His arms feel safe.

"Do you answer all of them?" I ask.

"A few. I like to make my fans happy,  it's just hard." He sighs.

"You're amazing Harry. Everyone loves you"

"Do you have twitter I'll follow you?"

"Yeah. My twitter is Abby_Tomlinson." I say.

He types it into the search bar and follows me. A few seconds later I get heaps of notifications. I pull my phone out of my pocket and scroll through to see a tweet from Harry.

@Harry_Styles: looking forward to spending the year with @Louis_Tomlinson beautiful cousin @Abby_Tomlinson ;) xx

I look up at him.  He smiles. He starts to lean in until his lips gently brush mine. I don't pull away. We hear foot steps and stop immediately. I move away scrolling through the comments.

"Oi Harrold can I talk to you for a sec bug?" Louis pops up at the door.

"Yeah." Ge says standing up and walking out the door. I can hear the boys down stairs.

"Last year Ab came home with bruises all over her, she lied about what they were for a little while but eventually her parents found out what was happening when a video was posted of boy abusing her. She's been in and out of states of depression, anxiety and PTSD. Just take it easy on her." says Louis. Good he didn't tell them everything .

Harry walked up and shut the door behind him.

"He told us what happened...." He looked deep in thought. His forehead was creased.

"Yeah.." I say

"Please, if you ever feel like that again talk to us if anyone ever touches you I will smash them." He says walking over and hugging me stroking my hair

"No one will hurt me" I said.

"Should we talk about that kiss before?" He says.

I turn away blushing slightly. "What is there to talk about?

"I mean there's obviously quiet a lot to talk about Abby. Did it mean anything or?" He says staring out the window.

"Look. Harry. I don't just kiss guys that mean nothing to me. I'm not a bitch like that. May think I am but I'm not." I roll my eyes at him.

"Just wanted to know where we stand you know." He says looking at me. My cheeks heat up and I go all tingly. Even though I've know him for a little while. We have a connection, I can feel it.

"Wanna go out for dinner?" He breaks the silence.


"Be ready by 7 we'll go grab pizza." He smiles.

"Sorry. I might go to sleep before we go out. Didn't sleep well you know." I say laying down.

"Sure." He gets up to leave. I grab his hand. He looks down at me confused.

"Don't leave." I whisper. He lays down beside me and I put my head against his chest. "Thank you." And in a short time I drift into a deep dreamless sleep.

Whatever you do, dont fall in love with any of my friends (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now