Chapter 7

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I sit on the familiar seat in the middle of the studio. The boys were in recording while I sat out and watched. They are so passionate about music. When the song was finished the boys cheered and the producer clapped. 

"Abby would you like to come sing your song?" Asked the producer.

"Wait what? Now? " I panic. My breath  caught in my throat. Harry walks over and squats infront of me and puts his hands on my waist. I visibly relax at his touch.

"Abby, baby, you dont have to. You can wait until next week or a couple of days when we come back." He whispers softly.

Niall comes and sits next to me and gives me a big cheesy grin. I nod at Harry.

"You dont want to do it?" He asks.

"Not yet." I whisper.

Harry stands up and walks over to the producer. 

"So um Abby I um..I'm sorry. " says Niall.

"It's okay nialler. Are you ok?" I ask.

"You had a mental break down because of me and your asking me if I'm okay?" He spits.

"Yes niall I am asking if you are okay." I spit back.

"Yes I'm fine." He says standing up leaving me on my own. I put my head in my hands. Why is Niall like this. He is my best friend.

Louis walks over and sits beside me.

"Dont worry about him love he is sensitive.  He wasnt to well when you were...  yeah"

He whispers putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Lou. No body understands. He kissed me and I didn't stop him and it all came back all of it... every single detail the pain the way it felt getting beaten. All because I technically cheated on Harry.  Im as low as ...." I  say.

I look up and see Harry standing in front of me. I smile at him and stand up linking our hands.

"Ready princess?" He says as we walk to the front door. I groan in response as we walk out into the chaos. As we walk out Harry groans in pain.  I look up at him.

"Whats wrong bub?" I whisper.

"Nothing dont worry. " he says .

We get into the car and i see his hand has blood on it. I stare at him wide eyed.

"Harry....?" I ask.

"Abby I told you its nothing for fuck sakes forget it." He says. Ouch. I let go of his hand and sit back into my seat.

"Sorry.. I just want to help." I whisper. I turn away and look out the window. He sighs heavily. 

"Abby I'm sorry. I didnt mean to go off." He says moving over to me. I turn to him and lift up his shirt where there is blood. He winces.

"Harry you need to get help. You need I doctor." I say in panic as I look at the deep cut, "OI!! are you listening Harry it needs stitching and cleaning its not going to stop bleed by its self you'll bleed to death."

I pull off my jacket and take off my shirt. Lucky I wore a singlet under. I put the shirt on Harry's side. He yells out in pain.

"Im sorry. Shh." I hush him. Louis and Niall climb into the car giggling. They turn to us.

"Dont tell me we are interrupting a harry, abby moment?" Says Lou.

"I I dont think so mate. Abby why are you covered in blood?" Says Niall.

"Harry he needs help. He got stabbed or something out there." I panic. They move over to harry.

"Abby you know a bit about what to do right? You have a degree in the medical field?" Says Louis

"Yeah I know what to do. But does it look like I have the stuff to do it with." I snap.

Niall reachs into the front of the car into the glove box to pull out a first aid kit. In there I find detol, a big bandage and a pad thing. I put on the gloves, grab out a cotton ball and put straight detol onto the cotton ball.

"No! No Abigail, no way." Says harry, "you don't know what you're doing."

"Yes I do. I have a degree in medicine." I say, "now hold still hold Louis hand and you'll be right. Have some faith in me."

I grab tweezers and hold the cotton onto the wound. Harry screams out in pain. Louis hushs him as I continue to clean it out. I grab non stick padding and put it on. Putting medical tap over the sides to keep it in place. I grab the big bandage and wrap it tightly around his torso. I put the cotton balls in my hand and pulled off the gloves putting them in my pocket. I sit next to Harry and kiss his lips. He is all sweaty.

"See I wasn't that bad was I?" I whisper.

"No doctor Tommo. Thank you." he laughs.

We pull up out the front of the hospital. And we help Harry in. He got rushed to a bed and they pull off the bandage and padding.

"The wound is clean?" They asked.

"Abby cleaned it." Said Harry.

"You're lucky you didnt make the wound worse. When you dont know what your doing you're better off leaving it." Says the doctor, "your lucky you didnt create further damage."

"I wouldn't say I dont know what I'm doing. I mean I have a medical degree nothing too major that can help people." I smirk.

"Oh sorry ma'am I didnt realise." Says the doctor stitching Harry's wound. After Harry is all stitched up we were free to go.

"How could someone do this!" I yell in anger kicking the small rubbish bin in our room. "How can a so called fan do this!"

Harry grabs my arms and tries to hold me still.

"Abby shhh. It's alright I'm fine."

"No Harry you are not fine. Fine would be nothing happening. But guess what!!? It did! And whoever did it is still out there!!" I scream.

Louis and Niall walk in.

"What the hell is going on." Louis asks.

"Abby is angry." Harry says letting me go.

"Abby, you need to calm the hell down! Being angry and yelling isn't going to help Harry. Harry sit down you got told to rest!" Niall says walking towards me.

I roll my eyes and turn away from him walking away.

"All I've done is cause trouble for you lot since i got here!" I slam tr he bathroom door and lean up against it. I can hear Louis and Nialls voices outside.

"Harry, just leave her mate. She needs time to cool down. Come on lets go get a drink." Says Louis.

I hear a knock on the door.

"Abby... it's Niall... please let me in..."

I open the door and wipe my eyes. I look at him and burst into tears and slide down the wall. He grabs me and shuts the door.

"Abby. I'm so sorry... this is all my fault. I made you feel like this and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He apologizes holding me tightly in a bear hug.

"It's fine Niall. I cause so many things to go wrong! Harry got stabbed because of me!" I say.

"You don't know that, love. People hate on us as much as they hate on you. Just because he was stabbed doesn't mean it was because of you."

"I'm sorry Naill. I'm sorry for spacing out I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for leaving you when Harry hit you."

"Sshhhhh it's fine, love." We stand up.

"I'm going to apologise to Harry..." I say walking down stairs and giving Harry a hug apologising to him and sobbing.

"Its fine Ab." He says wiping my tears. "It's just a cool battle scar I can talk about!"

I laugh. And hug him so tight. Gosh I love this man.

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