Chapter 2 my life when 14 years old

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BEEP BEEP Becky woke up and threw her blankets on the floor, "what is going on", she said to herself. Becks walked down stair in her pyjamas and looked out the window and saw a black shiny car that said on the side supernatural private school. she paused " OMG I AM 14", "that means I have to go to that ridiculous school", "that means I am slowly turning into a vampire", "noooooooooooooooooo that also means my parents are gone". A Young teen age boy was walking up the driveway tall, brown hair, green eyes, and possibly has a 6 packs. OMG becks thought i am in my pyjamas, she ran upstairs put lip gloss on, fixed her hair and got changed. "Hello is anyone home" the mysterious guy said. "HELLOOOOOOOO Becky i can hear you breathing". Becky ran down the stairs and yanked open the door. “..............." she was speechless.

"................"he was speechless.

"Ahahahah you have nice eyes" she said with a cute smile.

“Are you ready, hurry up your wasting my time, get your things". 

"............................" Becky was speechless and annoyed.

Becky went to her room and was trying to find her suitcase but couldn't find it, minutes past and she still couldn't find it then she heard “hurry up or you will leave with nothing". 

"Damn his an asshole but a hot asshole" she whispered. 

Then Becky found her suitcase, it was behind all her clothes in her wardrobe and it was already packed. Becks went down stairs and dropped the suitcase on the hot guy’s foot. "You haven't told me your name".

"Asshole” he replied, "You do know I am a vampire, I can hear from far away, so I heard what you said".

Becky slowly moved past the guy and walked down the driveway with embarrassment. Then the hot guy closed the door and walked to the car and said to Becky “my name is Christian".

I am Becky but you can call me".

"Becks", I knew your parents, Christian said.

"Uh huh" she said with surprise 

Becky got in the car and Christian put her bag in the boot then got into the car and said “say goodbye you won’t see your home again".

I will never forget you home, goodbye" 

It took hours to get to this ridiculous school. Ever since they left Becky's home it’s been silence and glances at each other. "Aren’t you supposed to tell me what this school is like, or how I am supposed to know when I start becoming a vampire and stuff like that"?

"Aren’t you polite? Your saying this like it is a bad thing, i can tell you now that after a week at this school I bet you will love it, everyone is friendly and very welcoming. Also you won’t really get warnings or anything when you start turning into a vampire things will just happen out of nowhere."  Then there was silence. A few hours later they finally reached the school. It was huge it was the size of 8 football Fields maybe bigger. Becky got out the car and stood right outside the gates then Christian stood next to her with her bags and said "welcome to your new home becks". 

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