Chapter 14 they all reveal thier stories

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It was pitch black and it there was complete silence. Everyone was enclosed in a small whole deep in the mountain, there was sharp rocks sticking out of all the walls. They were all sitting in a circle when Ian pulled out a match from his pocket and lit it.

“Well while we are sitting here lets tell stories of how we all became vampires and ware wolfs and hybrids.” Said Sam.

“I guess I will go first then. Well I guess I died when I was 17. Um it was midnight and I was studying, then all of a sudden I heard a noise, I slowly opened my door and walked down the stairs I was trying not to make any noise but when I was on the last step it creaked. I froze it felt like I was paralysed it was terrifying. Then I heard a footsteps coming towards me and I saw my dad with my brothers head in his hands, I screamed, my dad dropped my brothers head and grabbed me by the throat and said

“It’s okay darling I won’t hurt you”

He took me to the living room and I saw my sister on the ground she was dead, she had been sliced directly in the middle of her throat, and blood was gushing out. My dad looked me in the eye and said you will be okay, he then took a bit from his wrist and forced his wrist to my mouth and snapped my neck. The next thing I know is that I am a vampire and so was my sister we both ran to the supernatural private school but my sister died on the way, she was killed by a vampire slayer. That’s my story…. So who’s next?” Chloe said while wiping a tear from her eye.

“I will go next since my story is short and so I get it out of the way. Ahh…. Well I was 17 well I still am, on my 17th birthday my whole family took me to a secluded place and told me that they were all vampires and that it was time for me to turn so that we could all live for ever and always be there when we needed each other. I never had any regrets because I loved my family and I didn’t want them to ever leave me so I turned, finally we were all vampires and we were walking home and slayer ambushed us and I watched every single one of my family die, I ran from there as fast as I could, I was emotionally unstable and I had no idea what to do. After a month of running I found myself at this school. And now my boyfriend is about to die and I can’t go throw that pain again it’s too much…. I don’t want to let him go I love him. I don’t know what will happen if he goes.” Becky said while exploding into tears, Alexia went over to Becky and sat with her and hugged her.

“Alright my turn. When I was 17, I was out for the night at the beach with my boyfriend his name was Liam. We were looking up at the sky and we saw a shooting star and Liam turned to me and said

“I love you, I want us to spend forever together. I know this guy and he said he was a vampire so I asked him to turn me. I want you to turn too so we can spend forever together”

I agreed with him because we had been together for 3 years and we never had a fight and I loved him. I ended up turning and that night we went home and my dad was waiting at the door with a shoot gun, he looked drunk. He came up to Liam and shoot him right in front of me, it was a wooden bullet. My dad found out about vampires and saw Liam’s eyes and new his was one. Liam died in my arms and the last words he stuttered was I love you. My dad gave me a chance to leave so I ran and found myself at this school.” Alexia said holding Ian’s hand.

“It was midday and I was outside playing with my horse and I decided to go riding. My horse took my down to the bottom of this mountain and he got spooked and ran up the mountain and he fell halfway up, we both went down the side of the mountain and fell into the rocks, I was about to take my last breath but then someone came and feed me blood but as soon as I took a bit down I blanked out. Next thing I know I was in the office of this school.” Sam said.

“Well my story is simple. One day I was mucking around with mates and we went for a drive and we ended up crashing and one of my mates died, since it was my responsibility it triggered my ware wold curse so yeah.” Ian said.

“I am lucky last aaahhh. Well I was born with the ware wolf curse, since I was born I have had the curse because my mother died giving birth so when I became 10 I started turning and um when I was 15 I was mucking around with a mate of mine, he was a hybrid one of the originals, so he asked if I wanted to become, he told me I didn’t have to turn anymore so I said

“Yeah let do it.”

Next thing I know I was a hybrid and I don’t have to turn anymore. I was 18 and found myself at this school.” Josh said. 

“Oh gosh what are you guys doing in here?” someone said

They whole looked to the top of the hole where the light was glaring in and they saw a lady.

“Omg it’s you, you’re the witch trying to help Christian. What are you doing here aren’t you supposed to be helping Christian” Ian said.

“It will be much easier if I get you all back to school then I will explain everything to everyone.” The witch said with a sad look on her face.

The witch helped everyone out of the whole and cast a spell that took everyone back to school, they all walked down to the end of the school to where the witch lived. She stood in front of the door and said

“For the past few days I have been trying with all my power to bring Christian back. The demon showed itself and torn Christian apart from the inside. He died last night. I managed to get rid of the demon when he finish his job and put a spell around the school so that no more demons like this one can ever come in. I am truly sorry for your loss.”

Everyone was devastated. Becky fell to the ground in tears, she was crying so much that she had trouble breathing, Alexia went to Becky putting her hand around her comforting her.

“It’s okay Becky let it out, don’t hold on to the pain, I am right here.” Alexia said.

Ian was also on the ground tearing up.

“His gone. My mate is gone. How can he leave me? Man he was my best mate.” Ian screamed.

Alexia went up to Ian also hugging him and they sat there all night not saying a word. 

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