Chapter 3 The supernatural private school

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Wow this is a big school Becky thought. “Are we just going to stand here" Beck asked

"Pushy much", "come on then if you’re in a hurry" Christians replied.

they both walked through the front gate and looked around and took a deep breath in. there was a huge door up ahead it was a vintage type of door, it was old and ancient, we walked through the door and saw a huge circular desk with a lady sitting right in the middle with book surrounding her, she looked tall, she was very skinny and had red eyes. "Make sure you smile and be polite or you will be on her kill list" Christian whispered.

Becky and Christian walked up to the desk and stood there smiling while the lady was drinking blood which was in a wine glass, Becky thought to herself she is a vampire that explains the red eyes. "Hello Mrs Bitchberry, nice to see you again" Christian said then looked away trying not to make eye contact. She looked up and smiled with blood dripping from her vangs then said "hello what to you brats want".

"Um this is Becky she is a new student and needs her list so that she can get the things she will need for the year" Christian said and again trying to avoid eye contact. Becky was just standing there smiling and watching Mrs Bitchberry, then she saw her get the list and it was old with burnt edges and cockroaches all over it.

"Take it" Mrs Bitchberry said "Now get out of here"

"Yep welcome to hell" Christian said

"We have to go to the library to get your stuff I will show you the way. Oh and don't worry the librarian is nice. She doesn’t have a name so just call her librarian".

They walked down to the library which was underground, right next to a big old broken building was a staircase which went down to these black door and on the top left corner it said library in gold. Christian walked down and cleared any cobweb then turned around and said " come on don't be scared". Becky walked down and stood next to Christian, then he opened the door and they booth walked in. it was amazing the library was two levels up stairs and down, books were everywhere.

"Hello hello children" this tall lady said with a giant smile.

 Becky thought to herself for a minute, I think that's the librarian wow, she was tall, she had a frilly blouse and tight skirt with funny shaped glasses and a huge smile with white teeth and bright red lipstick. I wonder what supernatural creature she is.

"Hi miss this is Becky she is new she needs to collect her books" Christian said out of nowhere.

 "Ahh let me go and get the things then I am guessing the list is same as always, oh Becky welcome to your new home". She said with a huge smile.

Five minutes later the Librarian came with a box of all her things and gave them to her and smiled because she had to run to the phone.

"Where to now" Becky asked Christian.

"Last stop is your dorm room".

They walked down a hallway with different colour windows and lockers on the side. Right down the hall was the dorms there were so many rooms. They walked down right to the end and Christian got a key out of the box and opened the door "this is your room". it was huge, two beds and obviously one bed was near a window but it looked like someone already moved in. "yes you do have a buddy if you wondering why there is stuff already there". Becky turned to Christian and smiled. She went in and put her box on her bed then Christian brought her suitcase in. "well you should get settled in, I will come by tomoz to show you to your first class, goodnight" Christian said and kissed Becky on the cheek. "Night" Becky said trying to cover up that's she was blushing from the kiss. then Becky set her side of the room up, she put a photo of her parents on the little side table near her bed, then out posters up, and put her favourite bed clothes on her bed then got changed and went to bed. But she couldn't sleep so she looked out the window and saw the moon, it was a full moon she thought her parents might be looking at the moon so she said "good night mum and dad love you". And feel a sleep.

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