Sleepover Again; Party

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"Okay guys, next round wins."

"Rythian, you can't decide stuff like that just because you suck at Worms."

"I don't suck at Worms!"

"Mmmmm Yeah totally sucks at Worms."

"Godammit - ARGH KIM WHY."

"Yeah! Taste the power of Satay!" Kim whooped. I watched from the dining table as two adults, much older than she was, banter like young children. Actual five-year-olds, Joakim and Kim. Zoey just watched, laughing at random intervals, and nibbled on cookies. Martyn and Simon just looked at each other, then back at the bantering duo, and snickered to themselves. Zoey smiled at Kyoko, and then she cheered them on.

"Yay! Go Team! I don't know what I'm doing but Yay!" She cheered randomly. I rolled my eyes, getting out my seat to make food.

"Is anybody hungry?" I called from the kitchen, and when there was no response she asked again.

"Joakim, do you want sandwiches?"

"Yeah- well but of course!"

"Then would you bloody respond when I ask if anyone's hungry?" I retorted, to general laughter as Joakim seemed to be slightly embarrassed. I smirked, as Zoey joined me in the kitchen.

"I'd help. What do you want to make?" She asked, pulling out a pan. I shrugged, then shouted to the others again.

"Hey guys! What do you want to eat?"



"Anything's fine."


"You people are just impossible." I said, rummaging through my fridge for any ingredients we could use. Nothing for a sandwich, I had no bread in the house. No noodles either, I did have Jaffas, but I knew that Simon was only joking. Duncan had been playing on my PSVita this whole time, and hadn't looked up or said a single word at all so far. I sighed at the things a currently had in my fridge, and I was most definitely going to need help. I turned to Zoey.

"Zoey, how's your cooking skills?"


Before long, Kim had beaten Joakim for the 5th time, Hannah and Lewis emerged from the guest room. Mysteriously.

"Hope you two haven't been making out in my house." I joked, as Lewis turned slightly red. Zoey burst out in giggles, pulling out a baking tray of cookies and dumping it messily onto a plate. I wondered I had made a huge mistake in getting Zoey to help, as she burned her fingers trying to pick up the cookies to eat, but kept dropping it due to heat. Should I have ordered pizza instead...?

Nah, ordering Pizza is for the desperate moments. The smart people Make It From Scratch. I had flour and some tomatoes. It would take a while, but Zoey was a great help. Cookies were just starters.

"People! We got cookies you want, so grab them yourselves!" I shouted again, to hear some sounds like 'Kay', 'Alright' and 'Thanks Kyo', but nobody came over to grab their cookies except Lewis and Hannah. I sighed, breathing in the fragrant scent of fresh tomato sauce. Also, one hundred percent vegetarian. Zoey hummed a tune, rolling out the pizza dough haphazardly.

I think I take that statement of Zoey being helpful.

"Zoey, be careful about that rolling pin-"

"Ow I dropped it on my foot."


Zoey, her foot bruised, started hopping about on the other foot, as Hannah came forward to help out. Despite my exasperation, however, I had to find a small amount of humour in the situation. Zoey hopping about on one foot yelping in pain was quite a sight to behold, not to mention Hannah trying to help Zoey quite frantically, and some shouts of concern from the Worm Soldiers.

Well... This is most definitely going to take a while. I sat down, a little exhausted. Nauseous, a little dizzy. Maybe the heat from the kitchen is getting to me... I think I'd go lie down for a bit. Zoey glanced at me, and stopped hopping.

"You okay Kyo?" She asked, concerned. I nodded, forcing a smile.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

"You don't look so okay. Maybe you should just go lie down for a bit." Hannah said, and I nodded. Perhaps I'd go see a doctor tomorrow...


The pizza went okay, everyone was really happy about it. That night, all the guys decided to bunk in my guest room, Zoey, Hannah and Kim slept in my room.

It was utter carnage.




"I COULD IF I WASN'T IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING BOSS BATTLE! And sorry I swore Zoey. Maplestory brings out the worst in me." I said, Kim was mashing the keys madly, trying to bring down the boss in our Maplestory quest. We did end up bringing it down, but it took a very long time.

*** *** ***

Notable Things Kim Did for Kyo :

• Hugged her when she was sad.

•Shared a hotel room.

•Adopted her as a sister.

•Played Minecraft with her and the rest of KEYCrew

•Yelled at her 35 times throughout the entire quest.

•Yelled at her 40 times during the boss fight because they kept dying.

*** *** ***

I sighed, logging off. I was tired. So tired. I put my laptop aside while Hannah turned off the lights.

By firing a Nerf Gun Dart at the switch.

I sigh, shifting uncomfortably between two girls, one was Zoey and the other was Kim. Hannah slept on the floor. Slowly, my mind flooded with thoughts, I could hear drunken shouts from the guys in the next room, and braced myself for cleaning up the next day. There was a shout, whose voice sounded strangely like Joakim's, that was "Can you all just shut up I'm trying to sleep!"

A/N Hello! You'd notice that my writing style seems to have changed slightly. Well, I'd like to explain that. I finished reading 'The Book Thief' for the fourth time, and the style seems to have rubbed off on me, including the point-form facts. I'd probably go back to normal soon, after I get over the book and stop referencing.

So my experience after reading it was crying, anger and a better understanding of Nazi Germany. Also, I started swearing in German. In my head not out loud I don't speak German and I had no idea what it meant and was too lazy to Google it so I didn't know how vulgar or tame it was.

So yeah.


-Kyoko OUT-

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