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                  I get to the party with Darren and everyone welcomes warmly and thanks me for the help. I start to put the names to faces as I mingle more with everyone. And then a tall, burly, guy comes up behind me. He puts his hand on my waist, turns me around while wearing a goofy grin on his face. By looks of him, he’s seems a little tipsy, so I know exactly how to play this one. Intoxicated people are the easiest in my personal game.

“Voldemort!” I say smirking, “I liked your abs.”

He laughs and answers in his throaty voice, “Well thank you. That was really the best part of my performance. I’m Joe.”

“Andy. I think I ran into you sometime during the show”

“Well lemme cut you a deal, Andy, I will give you personal viewing of my, performance, for almost no cost.” Definitely drunk.

“And what would that cost be?”

“Hmm I will have to think about that. I’m sure think of a fair price that benefits us both.”

“Well I will keep that in mind.”

Darren comes over, “Walker, what’s up dude?”

“Darrrrennn!” Joe replies bringing in Darren in a tight embrace. “My man! Great show buddy. Hey this is Andy, and Andy, this is THE Darren Criss.” He then pulls Darren in and whispers not quite softly enough, “Dude she’s a total babe. Let’s make sure she sticks around.” Flattering but not really. Darren interjects,

“Yeah we’ve actually already met. Hey Andy, wanna grab a drink?”

“Sure.” We walk away from Joe.

“I’m sorry about that. Joe is a great guy, just a bit abrasive. You didn’t by chance catch wait he said did you?” Darren asks as he hands me a drink. I crinkle my nose.

“We’re you offended?”

“Oh no that’s not it. Only when he said I should stick around. Its just, if I am going to part of you’re group, I want it to be because I’m talented enough, not just pretty enough.”

“ Yeah makes sense. Not that I blame him really, you are pretty.” He then takes a strand of my light brunette hair and tucks it behind my ear. I try to analyze this. What does he want? I mean, other than the obvious. But that just doesn’t seem right. What is this guy’s deal? I just can’t pin point him.

“What are you thinking?” Darren asks.


“What are you thinking? You see I’m trying to figure you out. I’m just curious.”

“I’m not thinking. And then I’m thinking about why I’m not thinking and umm, I don’t know. You say you trying to figure me out? Well reading people is somewhat of a specialty of mine. Except for right now.”

“You can’t figure me out? Well I am a complex person.”

“Everybody thinks they’re complicated.  But there are always patterns. People have a reason they do things. I like finding out what makes them tick.”

“Well that sounds like a lot a work.”

“It entertains me.”

“What do you think makes me, ‘tick’?”

“I have a few thoughts.”

“Care to share?”

“Hmm well I could, but that ruin the mystery, wouldn’t it?”

“I’m also curious about people sometimes. Especially you. You seem like you would have interesting thoughts.”

“ I have a lot of thoughts, doesn’t mean they are all interesting.”

“But I thought you said you weren’t thinking.” I can feel us getting closer and closer.

“I wasn’t.”

Darren looks me in the eyes and asks, “Well, I’m curious, what do you think, of this,” He takes my chin in his hands, and presses his lips against mine. I close my eyes, inhaling is presence. His lips fit perfectly with mine. They are soft and but there is an urgency to his touch. I feel a tug deep in my gut, pulling me towards him. He pulls away and looks at me,


“I uhm, I , its just,”

“You don’t have many words for all of your thoughts.” This magnetic feeling, in my gut, scares me. I have only ever felt that once before. I have to get away.

“Isn’t the whole point that there is no words?” I swiftly walk away from him. 

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