Chapter 7

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4th grade flew by. Skylar and I had kept in touch over Discord, a chat thing for gamers like Skylar and I. It had voice chat and no chat ristrictions, so we could type "FRICK" all we wanted.

My Dad took me to the school's open house to find out where I sat etc. My Dad was definitely nicer than my Mom.

Once we got into my new 5th grade classroom, I looked around for anyone I knew. I knew almost everybody. See in elementary you are going through the grades with the same people unless somebody moves in. To my surprise, I found Skylar's name at one of the table groups. I stood by her name and looked back to my seat. We could make weird hand motions... Maybe...?

_~_The First Day _~_

I got off the bus as usual and went to my classroom.

Not surprising that there were instructions on the board and Skylar had beat me here.

But Skylar didn't seem to notice me at first.

I brushed it off and followed the board instructions.

Basically the instructions told us to find our seat and keep hang up our bags on any hook we wanted with supplies at our seats.

"Hello! I am Ms Danielle and I will be your science and math teacher for your 5th grade year. This is my first time teaching so bare with me a bit on how everything works. So as 5th graders, we are to show everyone else how to behave here at Shawnee elementry. In a few minutes we are going on a little school tour to get used to the environment. Till that time comes you may all chat amoung yourselves and yes you may move around the room." My teacher, Ms Danielle said. She was fairly short. So short she could classify as a student! Heck, I was taller than her!

But then again I am 5ft 4...

I immediately went over to where Skylar sat. "Heya Skylar!" I smiled to Skylar as I stood by her side. "Hi." Skylar said with a flat tone, sorting some of her supplies (folders in a stack etc). "Everyone line up!" Ms Danielle said as everyone made their way single-file to the door.

The tour was the same as every year. Same rules. Same places. Heck even same posters!

"As 5th graders, your job is to show the little kids how to behave. I'm passing around a poster paper with one of the character pillars written on the top of it. Your job is to write ways you can demonstrate that pillar." Ms Danielle explained as she put the poster papers around the room. "Tables 1 and 2, you guys to to respect." Ms Danielle pointed to the walkway between the backpacks and desks where the poster that read RESPECT layed.

Our table started off at Citizenship.

"What?! This word doesn't make sense!" One of the kids in our group complained, throwing the marker that was on the table for us onto the floor. I picked it yo for him. "Think of ways you can help around the school." I suggested, handing the kid the marker back. "There's uh... Keeping quiet in the halls..." The kid who threw the marker said. "Here you write it my handwriting is terrible." The boy handed me the marker and I got to work.

We alternated between all the stations and wrote down things for each pillar.  Well more like we added to what the original group at the station had wrote. I turned out to be the writer for our group. "Everyone get your supplies out on your desk please and over here pick up the supply slip of paper." Ms Danielle put a stack of small rectangular shaped paper on the back table. Ms Danielle then went around to grab the character pillar posters.

The slip of paper was a supply list. It showed what went where and how many of one supply you needed. Also everything was once again color coded. What confused me was Ms Danielle was our math and science teacher. So why did we need E.L.A and social studies things? And sadly we continue Espark.

"All bins corrospond with the number on your name tag. Go find your bin from the back wall." Ms Danielle announced. I held back for a bit and let every kid get their bin's first. My number was 24.

"Everyone have their bin?" Ms Danielle asked, getting a yes from the class as a whole. "Okay! Out your social studies, E.L.A, and extra supplies in there. If you need a baggy for extra supplies I have some on the back table." Ms Danielle announced. I checked the supply list to make sure I had everything. Yup I was good.

After we dealt with the bins and supplies, Ms Danielle passed out textbooks. "Right now I'm passing around your math books for this year. You can write in the flimsy one and the flimsy one only! On the inside of the hard book write your name." Ms Danielle said as she passed out the books.

Once everything was given out, lunch had rolled around. While lining up, I went over to Skylar's seat. "Hey, you wanna sit together?" I asked her. "Sure, let's go." Skylar said as we made our way into line.

Looking at the line of kids as we walked down the hall, I realized I hadn't known many of them.

Oh great, that means socializing...


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