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they make it to megan's house first and they all wave her goodbye as meg walks into her house.

"how was your day, honey?" megan's mom greets her, while meg puts her shoes off by the door.

"it was good, mom," she says, "i'll be in my room!"

megan walks into her room, throwing bag onto the bed and jumping on it herself. she sighs, rolling over so her front faces the ceiling. she looks over to where her bag landed go see something had fallen out.

her eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. she grabs it and sees it's chocolate. there's also a small letter tied to it.

she takes the letter and reads it,

meet me in art room b on friday after school. i have something i'd like to say.

megan's eyes widen. could it be him...?

it was monday today. she had five days.

she smiles, carefully folds the letter and puts it on her bedside drawer. she takes the chocolate and looks at the brand.

special dreamy chocolates!
cafe 127 brand.

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