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♡━━━━━  chloe  ━━━━━♡

gym class. dear god, even the thought of it makes chloe cringe. she HATES gym.

"okay everybody, partner up!" the gym teacher yells and claps for everyone to get moving.

chloe is lost. only andy has the same gym class as her but she's already partnered with jeno. she tries to look for someone else but she's too awkward to ask.

she feels a light pat on her shoulder. she turns and sees it's chenle, a small smile on his lips, "hey, do you wanna be my partner?"

"for gym or for love?" chloe says but blushes when she realizes what she's done, "–i mean!"

chenle laughs and chloe takes a moment to listen to his sweet dolphin ass laugh, "you're funny, chloe."

"if that's so then i'll be your partner then," they then get ready to play.

it's two on two volleyball. chloe and chenle against andy and jeno. chloe looks over to see andy smirking at her, "i'm sorry to say this, my best friend, but you're gonna lose!"

chloe snorts, "yOu'Re GoNnA LoSe!" she mocks them.

andy growls, "you're on, crackhead!"

the game starts and chloe serves, jeno quickly runs and hits the ball back. chenle does the same and it hits andy's court.

chloe laughs, "crackhead, my ass!"

"whatever, shortie!" andy flips her hair at her.

chenle serves this time and jeno hits it, chenle quickly spikes it back but andy was so fast that she hit it with enough force to rocket towards chloe.

chloe braced herself for impact but none came, she opened her eyes to see chenle in front of her. he hit the ball enough for it not to hit her.

"oh my gosh, chloe! i'm sorry! forgive me bestfriend!" andy runs and jumps into chloe's arms.

they fall and chloe lets out a small oof. "i'll forgive you if you get off me!" andy quickly gets off of her, "sorry..."

"it's okay. i still love you my dear bitch!" chloe snickers, and andy rolls her eyes. she quickly leaves since jeno called her attention. she feels nervous because coach doesn't seem to happy about what just happened.

chloe is about to get up but chenle lends her a hand. chloe takes it and feels butterflies fly in her stomach when they touch.

she gets up and pats away the dust from her gym uniform, "thanks, chenle."

"no problem," he says, "and about your question..."

"i'd like to be your partner in love."

while chenle and chloe have their moment, megan is having lab class with jaemin.

"do you even know what to do with these things?" meg asks, exasperated. all the while writing down in their lab paper.

"no," jaemin answers, picking up the test tube with a pair of holders.

"okay, i trust you," megan replies, too busy filling in the paper.

she looks up to the chalkboard so she can continue to copy what's written but as she does, she sees him.

he isn't looking up this time. she's staring now. she watches as his hands write down on a paper. she observes the way his hand holds the pencil and moves across the white surface and the look of concentration on his face.

must be so tired of writing me all those letters, hm?

megan looks down before he could see her, and contines on with her work.

soon enough, jaemin finishes his work and they clean up their lab table. jaemin went out of the classroom to grab a spare towel for the table. he grabs it but stops after he hears voices nearby,

"i have something to tell you.."

jaemin listens, his grip on the towel tightening. he knows that voice anywhere


jaemin knows that voice as well.

"i knew in me that i liked you and i had to say something–"

"i like you too."

jaemin closed his eyes so that the tears wouldn't fall. that was it.

he heard them leave, so he wiped his tears with the sleeve of his sweater and put on a fake smile. he walked back into the lab with the towel,

"i got the towel!" jaemin throws it and megan catches it.

"TIME TO CLEAN BITCHES!" and in a span of a few minutes, the table was clean.

jaemin waves megan a goobye as he leaves for the next class. megan was about to walk to her own class but was stopped by the lab professor.

"excuse me but a student told me to give this to you," the lab professor then gave her a heart shaped box, "i can't tell you who it's from though. he told me not to tell anybody."

"it's alright, professor. i have an idea who it is." megan smiles.

she bows and thanks the professor. on her way out, she opens the box.

there's another letter and the prettiest chain bracelet. the chain had a small M clipped onto it. she gasps and takes the bracelet and puts it on. she opens the letter,

thank you for being so patient with me. i can't wait to see you tomorrow. art room b, remember? i'll be waiting for you.

megan smiles, i'll be waiting for you too.

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